1750 - 1918

  • The Enclosure Movement

    The Enclosure Movement
    The Enclosure Movement causes people, mainly farmers, to move and seek jobs in cities.
  • The British discover Australia

    The British discover Australia
    Brithish travellers sail and discover Australia in 1770, they also find that Australia is inhabited with aboriginals.
  • The Decleration of Independence

    The Decleration of Independence
    The Declaration of Indepence was an important event because, it created people to be equal and become a commuity among their differences. It led people to life their life in peace and freedom. I think this event impacted the world by mostly giving North America freedom, but also give an example for other countries to fight for their freedom.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    A time period where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportaqtion, and technology. It also had a profound effect on the social, economic, and cultural conditions of the times
  • Napolean Bonaparte overthrows the Directory

    Napolean Bonaparte overthrows the Directory
    Napoleon seizes power in France due to instability. He is later appointed First Consul, giving him unlimited power. He leads the French on a military campaign that threeatens Europe, but his army suffers massive casualties when invading Russia, and the falls apart before he can take all of mainland Europe.
  • Earths population reaches 1 Billion

    Earths population reaches 1 Billion
  • Victiorian Gold Rush

    Victiorian Gold Rush
    Gold is found near Bathurst, New South Wales in Australia triggering several gold rushes attraction citizens all around the world.
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    Victorian Gold Rush

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    Ned Kelly

  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
    Fought over the right to succeed from the Union and over the right of slavery. Won by the North over the South, rejoining the two into a slavery-free country. While slavery was banned, problems still lingered into the 1900's of racism, culminating in the Civil Rights Movement and the first free, equal, and democratic nation.
  • Invention of the Telephone

    Invention of the Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell sucessfully tests the telephone with his assistant. It revolutionizes communication due to it ease of use and more efficient to use than the telegram or previous methods of communication.
  • Invention of the Light Bulb

    Invention of the Light Bulb
    Thomas Edison officially creates the first pratical electrically powered light bulb. This changed the world because it now allows for industrial processes to continue into the night due to the greater amount of light output compared to a candle. Workers can now work anytime of day.
  • Federation of Australia

    Federation of Australia
    The six colonies of Australia form one nation and Edmund Barton become Australia first Prime Minister
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    The Titanic was designed and created in 1908 and sailed for oly 2 years before it hit an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean on the 14th of April in 1914.
  • Henry Ford makes his first Ford Modael T

    Henry Ford makes his first Ford Modael T
    Henry Ford produces his first Ford Model T automobile selling it in 11 countries for 19 years.
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    Ford Model T production

    Ford Model T is produced for 19 years around the world.
  • Titanic Sinks

    Titanic Sinks
    The worlds largest passenger steamship hits an ice berg and sinks with 1517 people dead.
  • World War 1 Begins

    World War 1 Begins
    World War 1 started because of the assanation of Archduke Francis Ferdinand. There were 2 main alliances during the war, the Allied Powers and the Centtral Powers. The Treaty of Versailles was signed at th eend of the war saying that Germany had full responcability for the war. This event is important in world history because the mistakes of the Allied Powers at the end of the war caused WW2.
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    World War 1

  • First Powered Flight

    First Powered Flight
    The first time in history that a machine is made that powers itself for flying. Orville and Wilbur Wright successfully started a major revolution in flying technologhy that was to affect the way we move.