
17.2 Timeline

By 17bg
  • Chinese Civil War (between Jiang Jieshi and Mao Zedong)

    Chinese Civil War (between Jiang Jieshi and Mao Zedong)
    It was the war that led china to become a communist nation
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    Soviets blocked the Western Allies canal train and roads into Berlin so the Soviets would be able to send supplies and etc.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    In response to the Berlin Blockade. The United States sent airloads of food and supplies to Berlin.
  • Formation Of Nato

    Formation Of Nato
    The Berlin blockade caused negotiations between Western Europe, Canada and the U.S. To form NATO. NATO pupose was to provide stability and freedom through security to its members
  • National Security Council Report NSC-68

    	National Security Council Report NSC-68
    It changed the U.S. forien policy during the cold war. It recomended changing policies to those of millitary action rather than diplomatic.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    It was a conflict between Communist and non-Communist forces in Korea. It was between North korea and south korea.
  • President Truman fires General MacArthur

    President Truman fires General MacArthur
    Truman fired him because he wanted to keep the Korean war a limited one. MacArthur wanted to push into north korea to get rid of communist forces.
  • Formation of Warshaw pact

    Formation of Warshaw pact
    Soviets and seven of its European satleites established it. It puts the soviets in control of its armed forces of its member states.