Chapter 25.2 The Unification of Germany

  • Bismarck's rose to power

    Bismarck's rose to power
    William I was the king of Prussia, he appointed Otto von Bismarck to have the Prussian cabinet.
  • Danish War

    Danish War
    King Charles IX, created a Dainsh constituion which Prussians and Austrians protested against. Which created a war.....In 1864 Denmark surrendered. And then a peace treaty was written.
  • 7 Weeks War

    7 Weeks War
    Austria declared war on Purrisa after the on going schleswig and holstien dispute. The Treary of Prague ended the 7 weeks war in 1866. Purrsia joined with Germany to form the North German Confedertion. Which was the largest and most powerful state.
  • the Franco-Prussian War

    the Franco-Prussian War
    The French declared war on Pursia because it was thought that the King insulted the French ambassador. Napoileon III surrendered in September and his governement fell. A treaty followed in May.
  • Formation of the German Empire

    Formation of the German Empire
    representative os the allied German states met in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles. they declared the fromation of the German Empire except Austria. Berlin becam the capital. King William I was proclamed the emperor Bismarck was the chancellor.