Brown v. Board of Education
1954 Supreme Court case in which racial segregation in public schools was outlawed. -
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Colby's Civil Rights Protests
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Protest in 1955–1956 by African Americans against racial segregation in the bus system of Montgomery, Alabama. -
Woolworth's Sit-In
Form of protest in which protesters seat themselves and refuse to move. -
Freedom Rides
1961 event organized by CORE and SNCC in which an interracial group of civil rights activists tested southern states' compliance to the Supreme Court ban of segregation on interstate buses. -
Birmingham Children's March/Boycott
The Children's Crusade was the name bestowed upon a march by hundreds of school students in Birmingham, Alabama, on May 2, May 3, and May 4, 1963, during the American Civil Rights Movement's Birmingham Campaign. -
March on Washington
Selma to Montgomery March
The Selma to Montgomery marches were three marches in 1965 that marked the political and emotional peak of the American Civil Rights Movement.