Events In My Life

  • Birth - Infancy

    Infancy is the period of your life from when you was born until you was two years old. I was Born at 10:32 am, weighing 5 lbs and 6 oz.
  • Period: to

    Self- Esteem

    Since infancy my mother embedded in my self-steem. One of her prime ways of doing this was by always calling me a BBC. Which stood for Beautiful Blacki Child. Until this day I do believe that I am a beautiful black child and no one can every tell me different. My self-esteem is sky high! :)
  • Perceptual Development

    When I was a todler, Ihad an aunt that I would never ever smile for or give any feed back. Her name was Aunt Nikki.No matter what she did to try to make me smile I would not respond to her. This is perceptual development because my vision changed from complex images to facial preference.
  • Motor Development

    I did not start walking until I was 2 years of age because I was so bow-legged. This is gross motor development because I cordinated my major muscle groups.
  • Attachment

    Durring this time I was living with my grandmother in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Eveyrtime my mom would come and get me or try to take me away from my grandmother's house I would cry. This is an example of attachment because I formed an emotional bond with my grandmother.
  • Seperation Anxiety

    After my mom moved me out of my grandmother's house, my intermediate family moved to Evansville, IN. My mom then placed me in Howard Roosa Headstart program. It was then that my mom realized I had seperation anxiety. Everytime my mom tried to drop me off I would run to her and grab her leg and refuse to let her leave me there.
  • Egocentrism

    Egocentrism is the inability to see another person's point of view. When I was in second grade I would always stand in front of the tv. My older brother Fredrick would always crack a joke saying "you aint made of glass, move out the way!"I mean but I did not stand there just to get on his nerves until I got older, but I stood there out of "egocentrism" thinking he can see it just ike I can see it.
  • Puberty

    I started my period when I was in the 5th grade. I woke up one morning and walked down stairs to where my mom was to tell her that I started my period! It was the funniest thing ever because she jumped up like someone had poured cold water on her! Good thing she prepared me for this kind of thing because I was no where near suprised or freaked out about blood comming out of me. This is a stage of puberty because it is a developmental stage in my body that lead me to the ability to reproduce.
  • Adolescent Growth Spurt

    Around the time I was in 6th grade, I wore a size 10 in shoes. It was crazy because I was a petite little girl with big feet. But sooner or later my body caught up with my feet. Till this day I still wear a size 10 but my body fits with my feet. This is adolescent growth spurt because it is included in the "Awkward Age" category. I felt that I didn't look right because my feet were bigger than my whole body.
  • Cliques

    At this time I was in 8th grade and I really wanted to be apart of any kind of group there was. I just never seemed to fit in with none. I didn't do what the bad kids were doing which was smoking and drinking and being sexualoly active, and I didn't hang out with the rich kids because my parents didn't have money like theirs did. I was the shy girl that kept to herself and her family. This refers to cliques because I didn't hang out with alot of kids spending and doing activities with eachother.
  • Period: to

    Peer Pressure

    Ahh. Peer pressure! From my freshman year all the way until the begining of this year I was faced with the on comming factor of peer pressure. Day to Day my peers would ask me to smoke because thats what they do and everyone is doing it. They would constantly tell me that I'm no better than them just because I choose not to smoke and drink like they do. I was especially faced with this challeng on New Years Eve, but even then I still over came.
  • Contact Comfort

    When I was in labor with Devaughn, my son, Everytime I held him he would be quiet. But as soon I layed him back down in the ICU cradle he would cry. Thank you God for resting his soul, His little lungs could not take it. This is an example of contact comfort, also know as "kangaroo care" in the hospitals, because he had a need to be touched by something soft such as my skin.
  • Period: to

    Anorexia Nervosa

    Before I weighed 185 lbs. In a matter of months I lost 85 lbs and was wieghing at 100 lbs. This happend because I was so emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually torn from previous events in my life. I stopped eating and I locked myself in my room with the lights out. I did not eat and my life was at its lowest point at this time. This is anorexia nervosa because I dropped a tremendous amount of weight due to self-starvation
  • Identity Achievement

    Every since the new year I have made a goal for myself. I need to finish school, stay working; continue to get raises, join some activites that I dont have to FORCE myself to be committed to but ENJOY being committed to them. I need to start figuring out what I want to do with my life. This is Identity Achievement because I'm exploring my options and committing to direction in life and occupation. I currently make 7.75 an hour and I am in the praise dance team at a couple of churches.
  • Presonventional Moral Reasoning

    Ok, so on this date my friend asked me to go to a party with her and to stay the night over this dudes house with her. I said no I will not do it because I simply did not want to be on punishment for my whole spring break (because I know that was what my moms punishment was going to be for me). This is an example of preconventional learning bcause I simply based my judgments on the consequences of my behavior which is doing the good to avoid punishment.