
The Nazi Partys Rise to Power: 1919 to 1923

  • Hitler joins the party

    Hitler first encounters the German Workes Party by taking part in a political debate and is later offered the opportunity to join, which he accepts
  • Hitler becomes chief of propaganda

    Early 1920, Hitler takes over propagganda work for the party, takes on a larger role in the party
  • Hitler organises party's biggest event

    Hitler organises the partys biggest meeting yet, with over 2000 people in the Staatliches Hofbräuhaus in München.
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  • Name change

    "National Socialist" is added to the partys name, making i the National Socialist German Workers Party, or Nazi for short
  • Numbers Swell

    The total number of party members reaches 3000, amny of whom had been persuaded by Hitlers power as an orator
  • Newspaper

    The party aquires a newspaper, the Völkischer Beobachter
  • Hitler leads

    After having his charisma recognised by Drexler, the previous chairman, Hitler is made chairman of the Nazi party
  • Fuhrer

    In mid-1921, Hitler aquired the title of Fuhrer and, after a series of internal conflicts, became the sole leader of the party.
  • Brownshirts

    Also in mid 1921, Hitler created his organisation known as the SA, Stormtroopers or Brownshirts
  • Occupation

    The French take up an armed occupation of the Ruhr due to Germany's inability to make its reparation payments.
  • Munich Putsch

    The party leads a putsch out of Munich in an attempt to overthrow the Weimar government.
  • Treason

    The Nazis involved in the planning of the Putsch were tried for treason against German and sentenced accordingly, however Hitler and his associates were given very lenient prison sentences, with Hitler only having to serve 8 months out of what would have otherwise been a life sentence
  • Release

    Hitler is released from prison