Chapter 10 Duffner

  • End of Ottoman Empire?

    Ottoman Empire's power has declined significantly
  • Prussia

    Prussia becomes a German state
  • People want one Italy

    Nationalist revolts start calling for a unified nation of Italy
  • Young Italy

    Young Italy takes over Rome and establish a revolutionary government
  • France seize back Rome

    Just as fast as Young Italy seized it, Rome is taken back by France
  • Austrian Emperor

    Francis Joseph becomes emperor of Austria
  • Count

    Sardinian king Emanuel II appoints Count Cavour his prime minister
  • Deal making

    Cavour makes a secret alliance with France
  • War

    With the help of France, Cavour provokes a secret war against Austria
  • Italy has new king

    Victor Emmanuel II is crowned King of Italy
  • Bismarck

    King William I makes Bismarck prime minister
  • Alliance

    Bismarck forms an alliance with Austria
  • Teamwork

    Prussia and Austria seize the provinces of Schleswig and Holstein from Denmark
  • Backstapping

    Bismarck finds an excuse to attack Austria. After a brief war, Prussia wins and annexes several other north German states
  • Austria-Hungary

    Hungarian nationalists create a compromise that turn Austria into a dual-monarchy called Austria Hungary
  • France

    The growing rivalry between France and Prussia overflows, causing the Franco-Prussian war of 1870
  • France loses

    Prussia beats France and German nationalists celebrate the birth of the second Reich (empire)
  • Bismarck at it again

    Bismarck launches the Kultukampf or "battle for civilization"
  • continuing war

    War keeps going
  • Bismarck makes peace

    Bismarck's plan to limit the Catholic Church backfires as many loyal Catholics fight against the Prussians. Bismarck soon makes peace with the church and ends the ongoing war
  • William II replaces his grandfather

    William II succeeds his grandfather as kaiser
  • William gets cocky

    William II "asks" Bismarck to resign saying, "There is only one master of the Reich, and that is I."