chapter 10 Wilcoxen

  • "Sick Man of Europe"

    ruled by muslim turks it strched from e.eurpre to n. africa and the middle eastpower was declining, many nations revolted, it was known as the "sick man of Europe"
  • Austrian-Hungarian Empire

    the power was at its highest. they were ruling over many forien lands and nations
  • Congress of Vienna

    At the Congress of Vienna, the German Confederation was created by peacemakers.
  • Revolts

    A united nation was being called for
  • Explode!!!!

    revolts continued to exploded across the region.
  • Francis Joseph

    he became Emperor of Austria
  • opposing austrian rule

    venice nationalist took over the city's arsenal and declared the establishment of the Republic of Venice
  • Cavour becomes Prime Minister

    Count Camillo Cavour became prime minister thanks to Victor Emmanuel.
  • secrets secrets are no fun ... secrets aecrets may hurt someone

    In case of war, Cavour promised to aid Sardina from Austria
  • hmmm hmmm ...dont go though

    he started a war with Austria
  • the Big Bang

    Cavour Died and Victor Emmanuel II was crowned King of Italy
  • Blood and Iron

    Otto Van Bismarck gave his Blood and Iron Speech. It set a path for the future.
  • Allaince with Austria

    Austria and Otto Van Bismarck form an allaince.
  • Denmark loses land

    After the war, Austria tkes control over Holstein while Prussia takes control over Schleswig.
  • Austrian - Prusian War

    Austria was iattacked by Bismarck. The war lasted only seven weeks and ened with a Prussian victory
  • Dual Monarchy

    Austria turned into a monarchy due to a Hungarian compromise
  • Franco- Prussian War

    Bismarck called a war with France to prove that he was the most powerful, it lasted onlt a few weeks.
  • Birth of the Second Reich

    Germany is offically jnown as the Second Reich.
  • political war

    Kulturkampf waged WAR on the Catholic Church
  • i now pronunce you "New Chancellor"

    Bismarck became the new chancellor thanks to King William 1st.
  • Failure!!!!

    well he somewhat kinda falied and the church was surpported by the Catholics more than ever ever ever ever... and he was forced to make peace with the Pope.
  • ding dong the king is dead

    Kaiser William I dies
  • the Grandson

    After William I dies, his grandson takes over (Kaiser William II)
  • the original Clinton Resign

    not wanting to follow Bismarck, he resigned. he said, "there is only one master of the Reich and that is I".
  • the day the world changed for the better

    on a beautiful day taylor jewel ashley nicole wilcoxen was born changing the world forever and ever.