Georgia during World War I

By kalex97
  • Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo, Bosnia, on June 28, 1914
  • Period: to

    Georgia during World War I

  • U.S stance on World War I

    U.S stance on World War I
    On August 19, 1914, Woodrow Wilson, the U. S. president, gave a speech telling about how America felt about war. He wanted to keep the United States out of the war.
  • Lusitania Sunk

    Lusitania Sunk
    May 7, 1915, the transatlantic liner, Lusitania, was sunk.
    Georgia not was ready to enter the war.

    They did not like that the British blockade would not let Georgia cotton, tobacco, timber, and naval stores reach German and Austrian markets.
  • Great Migration

    Great Migration
    The Great Migration began because African Americans left in search of war-related jobs in the North and because the Ku Klux Klan had restarted. Between 1915 and 1930, more than 10 percent of Georgia’s black population had travelled to the northward.
  • U.S. enters World War I

    U.S. enters World War I
    April 6, 1917

    The United States enters World War I when they declare war on Germany.
    Georgia has five major federal military installations at this time.
    Georgians now begins to feel patriotic.
    They signed “Declarations of Loyalty”, bought war bonds, and teachers stopped teaching anything related to Germany.
  • Selective Service Act approved

    Selective Service Act approved
    May 18, 1917
    President Wilson approved the Selective Service Act. He was attempting to gain enough soldiers to help fight Germany.
  • Draft begins

    Draft begins
    June 5, 1917
    Men 21 to 30 years old had to sign up for the draft.
    In Georgia, white men did not want African-American men to sign up. Large land owners would not let their African-American sharecroppers sign up or leave for war.
  • Georgia's Military

    Georgia's Military
    Georgia had 5 major millitary instillations. They were: Fort Mcpherson, Fort Ogelthorpe ,and Fort ScrevenThe war training camps in Georgia were: Camp Gordon, Camp Hancock, Camp Wheeler, Camp Greenleaf, Camp Forrest, and Camp Jesup. Camp Gordon opened on July 1917, during the war.
  • Georgia Trial Against Draft

    Georgia Trial Against Draft
    On August 20, 1917
    Georgian, Thomas E. Watson, defends two African-American who were on trial for not registering for the draft. He did not win the case and 500,000 men had to register in Georgia after that.
  • Otranto sinks

    Otranto sinks
    September 25, 1918
    370 infantrymen were killed (130 of them were Georgians) when the Otranto sunk during a storm after it was struck by the Kashmir. The Kashmir wa a converted troopship with the convoy.
  • Spanish Flu comes to Georgia

    Spanish Flu comes to Georgia
    September 1918
    Spanish Flu makes draftees at Fort Screven very ill.
  • Spanish Flu Kills Draftees in Georgia

    Spanish Flu Kills Draftees in Georgia
    October 5, 1918
    Camp Hancock reported 3,000 cases of Spanish Flu. Fifty men died.
  • World War I Ends

    World War I Ends
    November 11, 1918
    World War I ends (Armistice Day)