Chapter 10 Nahlik

  • Austrian-Hungarians Are Cool

    The Hapsburg family was at the top of their game and ruled over many other lands. There were wars and and problems with industrial things.
  • Ottomans Are Cooler

    Revolts from the people started breaking out during the 1800's. They wanted to be independent as official states.
  • Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna created the German Confederation, made up of states ruled by Austrian Hapsburgs.
  • Unite the Nation!

    Nationalist revolts started calling for the unification of Italy.
  • Rome and the Government

    Giuseppe Mazzini's 'Young Italy' took over Rome and then established a revolutionary government
  • Revolt!

    Nationalists' revolts were all over the place and the government took control.
  • Count Camillo Cavour

    Sardinian King Victor Emmanuel II appointed Count Camillo Cavour prime minister who believed in Realpolitik.
  • Secrets

    Cavour made a secret alliance with France to help aid in the defeat of Austria.
  • Provoking Austria

    With France's help, Cavour provoked war with Austria and defeated them. Lombardy was annexed within a few weeks.
  • The King of Italy

    Victor Emmanuel II was officially crowned Italy's king.
  • Otto von Bismarck

    The Prussian king, King William I, made Otto von Bismarck prime minister. Bismarck was responsible for the unification of Germany.
  • Invasion

    In only a few weeks time, Prussia's Army invaded Denmark, took it, and split Holstein and Schleswig.
  • Austrian Alliance

    After building up Prussia's army, Bismarck created an alliance with Austria.
  • Attack on Austria

    Bismarck started another war, this time attacking Austria. The war took seven weeks and Prussia won. They took Holsyein and annexed parts of North Austria.
  • Dual Formed

    Hungarian leader, Ferenc Deak, made a compromise that led to the creation of the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary.
  • Franco-Prussian War

    Bismarck provoked war with France that only lasted a few weeks. Germany defeated them and proved that they were the dominant power in Europe.
  • The Second Reich

    Germany was now officially united, given the title "the second reich" or empire.
  • The Start of A Battle

    Bismarck started Kulterkampf, a battle that lasted 7 years. He wanted Catholics to be loyal to the government rather than the church.
  • The Chancellor

    The now 'kaiser' William I made Bismarck his highest adviser, his Chancellor.
  • The End of Kulturkampf

    The religious people were strong and went against Bismarck so he quit the battle and tried to make peace.
  • The New King

    Kaiser William II followed his grandfather. He was very confident.
  • The Death of a Kaiser

    Kaiser William I died.
  • Resignation

    Kaiser William II Asked Bismarck tor resign because he didn't want Bismarck to rule over him. He believed in militarism and built a navy.