
  • Graduate High School

    Graduate High School
    I graduated from Tom C. Clark High School in San Antonio, Tx. Not sure that May 29 was the real date, but a close guess, I suppose.
  • Graduate Texas A&M University

    Graduate Texas A&M University
    Not sure of the exact date again, but in 1992 I graduated from Texas A&M University with a Bachelor of Arts in English and a minor in Psychology. I loved my years at A&M. I am not your typical Aggie, but I did love it there.
  • First teaching job

    After I graduated University, I did not have a clear idea of what I "wanted to be when I grew up." So I applied to the Peace Corps as a teacher. I thought being a substitute in the meantime would be good experience. After going to Stinaon Middle School a number of times they asked me to take over a position as a full time substitute for a position that had not been filled. I fell in love with teaching.
  • Period: to

    Peace Corps

    I served in the Peace Corps as a 6th grade teacher for 2 years. I loved it so much in Micronesia that I requested an extension and served as a consultant for an educational organization for an additional year.
  • Travel USA

    When I returned from Peace Corps, jobless, homeless and with no ties whatever I took my opportunity to travel. I had not seen much of the United States so I hopped in my car and drove around the States for 6 months. It was great. Some of the time I was alone and some of the time I was with friends. I saw so much. Our country is so beautiful.
  • School for International Training

    School for International Training
    I earned my Masters of Arts at The School for International Training in Vermont. I loved this school. What a wondeful experience!
  • Morocco

    As part of my Master's porgram I did my internship at a Language Institute in Rabat, Morocco. I learned so much. I very much enjoyed my time in Morocco, especially my excursion to Marrakesh.
  • Tokyo

    As part of a fellowship with SIT, I taught for one year at Tokyo Jogakkan College in Japan. I loved the work at TJK and formed some of the most important relationships of my life during this year. If I could have transported that job to the States I would still be working there today.
  • Cambridge

    My second internship as part of my Master's program was at Harrington Elementary School in Cambridge, Mass. They have 5 wonderful dual language schools in Cambridge. I was fortunate enough to work with a generous teacher in the Portuguese language program.

    I returned to San Antonio and found a job at Walzem Elementary School as a 5th grade ESL teacher. I enjoyed those years tremendously. I moved on to be a Reading and Math Specialist on the campus for 2 years. Currently, I serve the district at an Instructional Technology Specialist. I love this job with all the changes that occur and all the learning I must do to try to stay abreast of the rapidly changing field.