10 literacy moments timeline

  • 1st grade

    1st grade was when I realized that reading was not my cup of tea. I was placed in a special group for students whom were slow readers.
  • 3rd Grade.

    As 3rd grade came along, the interest in being able to read became more important to me. Astronomy always fascinated me, but I could never read the words off the books we had in class.
  • When I was 11.

    By the age of 11, I was able to complete books. However, I still struggled to pronounce words that were unfamiliar to me. When we took family road trips, I tried to read out the exit signs for my dad. It was his way of teaching me to become a better reader.
  • Big 13!

    6th grade was big for me! Each year we would take reading assessments and I would always be a grade behind. That all changed when the summer before 6th grade, I spent my time learning how to read. After taking the assessment, I was consided on level reading skill.
  • Hello High school!

    To me high shcool was a new start. I fell in love with all kinds of books. During this time, fiction books was all I was reading. My friend introduce me to Harry Poter and my love for fiction grew from there.
  • Book Club ?

    Throughout middle school, I pretty much kept to myself. Other than my friend, not many students enjoyed reading. When High school came around, a new world opened up. My best friend, took me a book club where like minded students gather to read books and speak about them.
  • Discouraged

    As the semester went on, I continued to struggle in writting. Unlike Middle School and High School, my college courses moved at quicker pace. I lagged behind and felt discouraged.
  • Failed

    As I continued to lag behind, the fustration over took my judgment and I decided to give up. It was at this point, I thought to myself, "college just isn't for me."
  • Writting ?

    Throughout high school, I had the idea that I was a great writer. For the most part I got good grades on my essays or short stories. However, that all changed in my first semester of College. It was when I discoverd, composing my ideas into sentences were a little bit harder than high school made it seem.
  • Redemption!

    After taking 2 years off, the thought of being another statictic was not what I wanted in life. I told myself that I would go back to school and follow through all my courses until I am able to obtain a degree. Through the support of my family, I worked harder to pass my classes. I re-took my English course and passed with a B! My Professor was very helpful.