
  • 2.2 Niche-Picking

    None of my parents are artists (I got it from my Uncle himself who is an artist), I also was influenced by others who are artists. I have been drawing since I was young and I had it inside me where I really fall in love with drawing; creating something on the paper from my creative environment and mindset. I would use google to helps me with references and look up some artists' drawing styles to develop my style of drawing. I have tried another many activity but I only like to draw.
  • 8.1- Rites of Passage

    I grew up with a Mormon family (or Latter-day of Saints). They hold a belief that every eight-year-olds, girls and boys, are in rightfully coming-to-age to baptized to become a member of the church and will able to receive the blessing from himself, Jesus. On that day I got baptized in our family's home state, Utah, whole families including my cousins, grandparents, and uncles/aunts celebrated at home and throw a feast, simply sharing family-bonding time. (pg. 410.).
  • 3.1 Personal Fables

    In most cases, I would prefer to read books instead of being around with people. I sometimes will be fantasying about the books' cliche events like going off to adventures, riding a mythical creature, and sometimes imagining myself disappearing from my life where nobody will notice anything changes. It was a low point for me which is part of the growth of egocentrism (pg. 121). Feeling invulnerability is another way of coping and it led me to formal thinking; abstract and idealism.
  • 3.2-Differentiation

    When I was young, I noticed that family and friends always described me differently from each other. At that moment I knew that my behavior, way of talking, and personality set different aspects of who I am to them when I either hanging with my family or friends. my family often would mention about how headstrong woman I am and very outspoken. In my friend crowd, they would say I'm very quiet and easily tempered in certain situations. I'm both; it depends on how much comfortable I am with them.
  • 3.3 Contradictions within the self

    In the middle school years, I spent with myself a lot; trying to scourge deep inside me. Many questions went through in my mind such as why I am like this? Am I happy with myself for who I am? Why do I feel uncomfortable with others when people can? I often changing my mind when it comes to self-description; it is because I was confusing with who I am and what I want to be. I would describe myself as moody, gentle, quiet, crazy, exciting, and boring. I was not content with myself until now.
  • 1.1 Entering Adolescence

    In the Adolescence book, It is solely focused on the transition of childhood into adulthood; transitioning through the changes in our biological, cognitive, and socioeconomic period (pg. 15). When I was fifteen years ago, I transferred into a different deaf school and it was in different states. I believed that at this time, I experienced all of the changes at once when I'm in different place. I've become matured and become more independent from my family.
  • 2.1 Typical Maturer

    Between fifth and sixth grade, I was one of those typical maturers where everybody becomes mature at the almost same time. I got my first period during my middle school and everybody got a little early before me. I noticed that everybody starts using a bra when we were in fifth grade and in sixth grade. Of course, I was feeling pressured by my classmates and my mother who told me it is time to use a sports bra as well until later where my boobs start to swell.
  • 4.1 Non-Gender-typed Behaviors

    Growing up with classmates where the majority of us are girls with small number of boys in our classes. However, most of girls classmates still practiced the feminine role where they are expected to talk like a girl, act like a girl, and dress like one. Despite that, girls in my class are often strong-minded and would talk back to teachers especially with P.E. teachers who always divided us by our gender. We played sports a lot and we play with a tough level of physical.
  • 7.1 Transition to High School

    My experience is kind of fast forward to "transition college's experience" because I moved to DC away from my family who lived in California. I attended MSSD and I already had my anxiety experience being alone in a new place, being apart from my parents for a long time. I, however, did experience the transition to High schools such as picking my own elective classes and more opportunities with exploring new things and find my own crowds.
  • 6.1 Parent Adolescent Conflict

    When I entered high school, I was not happy with my classes, classmates, and education in my old school. I remembered that my dad transferred to Model Secondary School for the Deaf when he was fourteen. I begged my parents to allow me to transfer to MSSD. At first, they refused because it means I will be completely independent and alone by myself. We lived in California and I was only fifteen. We reasoned a lot and I was determined to go. They finally reluctant enough to let me go. Autonomy.
  • 7.3 Intrinsic Motivation

    I love doing homework, having a heated discussion in the class, and reading interesting articles, and doing the project. Most of these motivations are more likely for my personal enjoyment. One activity in my class, we were assigned to write our own research book about wars. I chose the Genocide of Mao Tse-tung and this was my entirely intrinsic moment because I enjoyed doing the research. I felt fulfilled by my self-responsibility and the flow of my learning from this research.
  • 1.2 Emerging Adulthood

    The two main characteristics of Emerging Adulthood is exploration and experimentation (pg. 17). After graduation from high school, I was freshman student and as expected, I went through the phases where I would like to find the new crowds and another sense of belonging. Not just a sense of belonging, rather more introspective with my identity and values by experimenting with the new things in my college years.
  • 7.2 Transition to College

    I'm mostly agreeing with Santrock's part with Transition to College because it mentioned that students in college become focused on their culture, diverse, discovery, and become more independent with their classes (pg. 344). I start to recognize the diverse community and developed our values in our individualism yet experienced the hardships of being in colleges such as stress and anxiety in school and the future.
  • 6.3 Companionship

    This is more for me toward others. This is my friendship style whenever I can do is being there for them and being part of it. I considered myself an introvert and my energy is being constantly drained by others. I would hang out with others and simply being part of conversations and activity where it suffices for me to enjoy their company yet have my own personal times and enjoy my own companionship.
  • 6.2 Stimulation

    This is most kind of friendship I often associated with and I like this kind of light fluffy friendship where you can exchange the interests, information, and quick to be cheerful. This is easy for me to be influenced by others along with their emotions and slangs where I would like to be part in and hang out for fun. Every individual had their own stimulation that I need the most and I can ask for their support in different ways.