

  • Worst

    Greece's economy is at its all time worst in the country's history
  • President

    Francois Hollande was president during this time of crisis and he was put under a huge amount of pressure to fix the economy
  • Hope

    The econmomy gets a little bit better but not much. Some unemployed are staring to get jobs
  • Back to the old ways

    Back to the old ways
    After the slim look of hope the economy falls back to the damgerous unemploymet #'s just like in 96
  • Period: to

    Normal Country

    The country's economy is back to normal and the unemployment rate is about 2% to 3%.
  • Old times

    Old times
    The economy began to get worse again almost like it was back in 1999
  • Same ol stuff

    Same ol stuff
    The economy is still feeling the huge economy fail and the unemployment rate is at 13.6% and people aged from 15-24 make up 3.7% of that highest since 1999