Ir thing

Year 9 SOSE - Inventors Time Line

  • Period: to

    Industrial Age

  • James Hargreaves Invention

    He was 44 at the time and he invented the Spinning Jenny.
  • James Watt Invention

    He invented the steam engine, he was aged 30 at the time.
  • William Murdoch Invention

    He invented the coal powered engine and he was aged 46 at the time.
  • George Stephenson Invention

    He invented the locamotive and he was 33 at the tme.
  • Micheal Fanaday Invention

    He invented the fanaday cage and the electric motor and he was 40 at the time.
  • Karl Benz Invention

    He invented the Petrol Engine nd he was 27 at the time.
  • Alexander Graham Bell Invention

    He invented the telephone and he was 27 at the time.
  • The Wright Brothers Invention

    They invented the plane and Orville was 36 and WIlbur was 32.
  • Henry Ford Invention

    Henry Ford invented the Ford Motor Company and he was 42 at the time
  • Answers - Q1

    1. When were most of the inventions created? Why do you think it was at this time? Before the 1900's, they were more likely invented then because a lot of things were just invented then giving them more access to things that helped them make their inventions. The reason that a lot weren't made after the 1900s is because most of the things available had already been used to make new things and it limited what people could invent.
  • Answers - Q2

    1. What was the average age of the inventor when they created their invention? Why do you think this was the average age?
    The average age was mid-30's. I think that people would've done mos tof their inventions in this time becuase they would've had plenty of education and lots of time to do trial and error before they invented what they did.
  • Answers - Q3

    1. What was the average age of death of the inventors? What does that tell us about life expectancy during the Industrial Revolution?
    Most of them died in their late 70's and 80's. This is suprising as disease was common during 1800's and cures weren't all that affective. Most died at the average age of death now.