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Kara's Industrial Revolution Timeline

  • Mar 30, 1350

    The Black Death Started. Part 1

    The Black Death Started. Part 1
    The Black Death was first carried by rodents and their fleas. This was then spread to humans by the fleas giving it to them. It was spread from person to person by breathinng in the other persons air. The black death spread through Asia and Euope killing abou 25 million people. The black death lingered on for hundreds of years. The most distinct symptoms of the black death were thess big swellings or bubloes that appeared on the victims neck, armpits and groin.
  • May 5, 1350

    The Black Death Startedd, Part 2.

    The Black Death Startedd, Part 2.
    The most distinct symptoms of the black death were thess big swellings or bubloes that appeared on the victims neck, armpits and groin. The bubloes ranged from the size of an egg to the size of an apple. More symtoms of this plague was first a rush of blood would come out of their nose and soon after that back and purple spots appeared on the victims arms or thight or pretty much anywhere on the body.
  • May 1, 1373

    The River Lock Was Invented.

    The River Lock Was Invented.
    River locks were invetnted to lift and lower boats and other watercraft from one level to another. A river lock is a section of a river that is closed off by gates that conntrol the water levels so that the boats can be lifted or lowered as they pass through it.
  • Apr 8, 1440

    Caravel Was Invented.

    Caravel Was Invented.
    The Caravel was an improved version of the sailing ship. The caravel went faster and could sail into the wind.Caravels were broad brimmed ships that had 2-3 masks or whith square sails and one triangular sail.The caravel was invented by the Portuguese to explore accross the West African Coast and into the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Apr 8, 1440

    Printing Press.

    Printing Press.
    The printing press was invented byJohannes Gutenburg in the 15th century. Before the printing press any writing and drawings had to be done by hand. this work was only done by scribes who worked in silence, the scribes would measure, outlining the page layouts and then carefully copying the text from another book. The Printing Press made it a lot easier and faster to produce books.
  • Apr 8, 1492

    They Founded The Potatoes.

    They Founded The Potatoes.
  • English Civil War.

    English Civil War.
  • Execution of Charles the 1st. Part 2

    Execution of Charles the 1st. Part 2
    When Charles the 2nd came to become king in 1660 the men who had signed the warrent for his fathers execution were executed for the murder of the king. The executioners were unknown because of the masks on their faces.
  • Execution of Chales The 1st. Part 1

    Execution of Chales The 1st. Part 1
    Charles the 1st was accused of being a tyrant, traitor and murderer. he was also accused of being an enemy to the Commonwealth of England. His punishment was to be beheaded. th man who was to execute Charles refused, soon after another man and his assistant was found and would be paid 100 pounds. they both wore mask so they couldnt be identified. Charles was allowed one last walk before his execution with his dog. He was executed that very day.
  • Intravenous injections, blood, drugs and vaccines can be injected into peoples blood.

    Intravenous injections, blood, drugs and vaccines can be injected into peoples blood.
    In 1656 the hypodermic needle was invented to incect blood, drugs and vaccines into the human body. The hypodermic needle is a hollow needle mostly used with a syringe to inject substances into the body or extract fluids from it. This was very helpfull to cure infections and diseases.
  • The Great Fire of London.

    The Great Fire of London.
    The great fire of London destroyed 80% of the city including 13000 houses, 89 churches and 52 guild halls. Thousands of citizens found themselves homeless and financially ruined. One of the positive effects that the great fire of london had on the city was that the Black death in theat whole section of the city diminshed greatly.
  • Steam Engine was Invented

    Steam Engine was Invented
    Thomas Savery built his machine to help pump water out of coal mines. This machine was so simple that it had no moving parts. It also used up lots of coal just to pump a small quantity of water. Thomas Newcomen thought of a way to improve Savery's invention. Newcome thought of a way to make the stean actually push the object in one direction. this was one of the most impotant stepping stones in the lead up to the industrial revolution.
  • Jethro Tull’s Seed Drill was Invented.

    Jethro Tull’s Seed Drill was Invented.
    Jethro Tull invented the seed dill in 1701. Before his invention the seeds had always been sowd by hand. The people who worked on the land would walk over the fields randomly scattering handfuls of grain all over the place. Jethro Tull's invention mad eit easier to plant and harvest seeds. the seed drill would plant the seeds in straight lines instead of all over the place. this had a massive impact on the industrial revolution.
  • Spinning Jenny Was Invented.

    Spinning Jenny Was Invented.
    The spinning jenny used eight spindles in which the thread was spunby turning a single wheel. The operator of the spinning jenny could now spin eight threads at once instead of making workers do it one by one and by hand. This then increased to eighty and the job was a lot quicker.
  • Threshing machine was invented.

    Threshing machine was invented.
    The threshing machine was invented by Andrew Meikle. this invention was very important because you no longer had to seperate grain by hand. This invention made it so much easier and quicker to collect grain.
  • Small pox vaccines discoved.

    Small pox vaccines discoved.
    Smallpox believed to have appeared around 10000 BC. At this time the first agriculture settlement was in Northeast Africa. Smallpoxs was said to be cause by farm animals. Four-hundred-thousand people died annually because of smallpoxs and 1 third of the surviours went blind. Smallpox looked like thousaunds of blister looking thing on the skin of the victim. This vaccine saved so many lives and helped to move on with the industrial revolution.
  • The first successful transfusion of human blood.

    The first successful transfusion of human blood.
    James Blundell performed the first successful transfusion of human blood to a patient for the treatment of postpartum hemorrhage. He extracted the blood with a syringe. this was good for blood conditions.
  • The Black Death Ended

    The Black Death Ended