WWl Timeline

  • Archduke assassination

    Archduke assassination
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife, Sophie, were shot and killed during a visit to Sarajevo, Bosnia’s by Gavrilo Princip a 19-year-old Bosnian Serb. Austria-Hungary blamed the Serbian government for the assassination. Russia supported Serbia and Austria-Hungary asked for Germany’s support against Russia and Serbia. On July 28th Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. This set off a chain of events that quickly lead to the outbreak of WWI.
  • Germany and France declare War

    Germany and France declare War
    Two days after declaring war on Russia Germany declares war on France. This was to done in order to go through Alfred Von Schlieffen's strategy that ensured German victory. Hours later France declares war on Germany and mobilizes their troops to the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine.
  • German Invasion of Belgium

    German Invasion of Belgium
    Before the Germans could invade France, they need an easy pathway through Belgium. The German government sent a letter to Begiums government asking for free passage through. Belgium did not want to give Germany free passage, due to the need to remain neutral. Germany was left with having to forcefully invade Belgium, which then brought Britain into the war. Britain declared war on Germany on August 4th, 1914.
  • First Battle of the Marne

    First Battle of the Marne
    The First Battle of the Marne took place from September 6th-9th. This battle marked the begging of the trench warfare that WWl is known for. It also marked the first use of radio intercepts being used in major conflicts. The Battle of the Marne was a successful counterattack against the Germans and was considered a large voctory for the Allies.
  • The Christmas Truce

    The Christmas Truce
    Pope Benedict XV suggested a temporary hiatus during the war to celebrate Christmas, Although the countries did not officially call for a cease-fire, soldiers took part in their own truce. On Christmas some German soldier approached enemy lines, unarmed, originally feared as a trick the allies were worriesome. Eventually the Allied soldier joined, many exchanged plum pudding and cigars. There's even documented reports of a soccer game.
  • Battle of The Somme

    Battle of The Somme
    The Battle of the Somme lasted for 141 days, from July 1 to November 19 of 1916. The battle is one of the bloodiest of WWl. Over one million people were killed on all sides. The point of the battle was to relieve the French fighting at Verdun and to weaken the German army. The Allies were unable to break through the German lines, moving just 3 square miles on the first day.
  • Zimmerman Telegraph

    Zimmerman Telegraph
    Arthur Zimmermann sent a telegraph to his minister in Mexico to inform him that unrestricted submarine warfare would soon resume. He also informed him that if it brought the United States into the war, to form an alliance with Mexico. He told him to offer Mexico their support in the war with the United States and to even gain back the land they had lost to the United States.
  • The United States enters WWl

    The United States enters WWl
    Although the United States had originally wanted to remain neutral and stay out of the war, war became unavoidable. After the sinking of the U.S passenger ship, Lusitania, and six others without warning, and the Zimmerman telegram brought the United States into the war. The telegraph was what truly pushed the United States to war, because it was seen as a large threat to the United states.
  • Grover Carter Enlists

    Grover Carter Enlists
    Carter Grover was born in Selmer, Teneesee on February 8th, 1893. Grover was a physician before enlisting into the war. He graduated with his M.D, from the Tennessee college of medicine in June of 1917.He was commsioned as 1st Leuitennant on August 4th, 1917.
  • Grover Carter assigned Foreign Duty with BEF

    Grover Carter assigned Foreign Duty with BEF
    Because of Carter's medical training, he was assigned foreign duty with the British Expeditionary Forces. Three years into the war the British had needed medical officers badly. His diary begins when he arrives in France and goes to his death.
  • Germany and Russia reach peace

    Germany and Russia reach peace
    Russia signs the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with the Central Powers. This abandoned the Allied war effort and granted independence to it's Polish and Baltic territories. The hope from German leaders was that the previous Russian territories would fall into the Germans arms but WWl ended before it could happen.
  • Grover Cater leaves London and arrives in Boulogne, France

    Grover Cater leaves London and arrives in Boulogne, France
    Grover had left London at 7: 55 a.m. and reached Boulogne, France by 1:40 p.m. He stayed at St. Martin's Camp. He talked about sleeping in tents for the 1st night and how the weather was cold and foggy. He also mentioned how he had no orders. Grover frequently wrote about orders and the weather from day to day. This is his first Diary entry.
  • Grover Carter writes about a very eventful day

    Grover Carter writes about a very eventful day
    In this entry, Grover talks about attending to a "D" battery sick parade. He describes the Hungarians dropping shells onto the farm. It wounded several Frenchmen and they had to hide in trenches for about 2 hours. He also mentioned having ot move out the net day to join his division on the Somme. That night he had also witnessed a baloon being brought down for the first time.
  • Grover Carter left France for Remy Siding

    Grover Carter left France for Remy Siding
    He arrived at Remy Siding at 4 a.m. He talked about having to stay for around a week or two. He was around 2 1/2 miles away from Doullens. He wrote about how it was a very nice place. He also complimented the beautiful hills and forests.
  • Chateau-Thierry/Battle of Belleau Wood

    Chateau-Thierry/Battle of Belleau Wood
    This battle is one of the American Expeditionary Force's first large-scale actions. What started as The Battle of Chateau-Thierry eventually turned into the Battle of Belleau Wood. This was a counteroffensive against the Germans to push them out of Belleau Wood. The Americans were successful, but had around 10,000 dead, wounded, or missing in action.
  • Grover Carter’s last entry

    Grover Carter’s last entry
    Carter Grover's last entry took place two days before his death. The entry was a positive one. He said it was a sunny, warm day and he had received good news that he wasn't going to be in that area long. He hat to go to guns in the morning and the wagons in the night.
  • Grover Carter’s Death

    Grover Carter’s Death
    Carter Grover died near Bapaume, France. He was killed in action while working night duty on October 16th. He was hit by high explosive artillery shrapnel. He was buried in Flanders Field, the American cemetary until he was moved to Oak Hill Cemetary in Selmer, tenesee.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles is a peace document signed at the end of WWl by the Allies and Germany. The document was enforced on January 10th, 1920. The Treaty of Verssailes requirements took a large toll on Germany and is one of the causes that lead to WWll.