
WWI out comes

  • Signing of the treat of Versillies

    Signing of the treat of Versillies
    Germany, Britain, France and Itialy signed this treaty to end WWI
  • Warren G Harding takes ofice

    Warren G Harding takes ofice
    This is dureing the "Roaring 20's" an economic boom.
  • Unemplyment reaches 2.5 million

    Unemplyment reaches 2.5 million
    In Britain
  • David Lloyd George resignes

    David Lloyd George resignes
    In Britain. Political turmoil ensures.
  • Russian civil war ends

    Russian civil war ends
  • Moussilini = italian premire

    Moussilini = italian premire
    This gradually erods democracy
  • Rossevelt takes office

    Rossevelt takes office
  • Vladimire lenin dies

    Vladimire lenin dies
    Stalin succedes him
  • Hittler takes office as Chancellor

    Hittler takes office as Chancellor
    Hittler was elected as Chancellor
  • Dawes plan

    Dawes plan
    Germany could not keep up with the after war payments required so the Dawes Plan was created. It would have Germany pay less but for a longer time.
  • Stalin begins !st 5 year plan

    Stalin begins !st 5 year plan
    In Russia
  • Period: to

    ITaly is a 1 party state

  • Poincave resigns

    Poincave resigns
    Political turmoil ensures. In France.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    The stock market crashes starting the depression.
  • Period: to

    Great Purge

    Stalin kills many people
  • Hindenburg dies

    Hindenburg dies
    Hittler takes over as president but also keeps the chancellors powers as well. THis means he is a dictatore.
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    Italy invades Ethiopia
  • Period: to

    Rossevelt starts new plans

    Gets the US economy goin
  • Italy wins against Ethiopioa

    Italy wins against Ethiopioa
    They then create Italian East Africa where Ethiopia is
  • Spanish civil war begins

    Spanish civil war begins
    Germany first uses their new military agains the spanish.
  • Rossevelt is realected

    Rossevelt is realected
  • Neville appointed Prime Minester

    Neville appointed Prime Minester
    In britain