WWI - Zimmerman

  • Germans kill the boat

    Germans kill the boat
    The Germans were so mas at the Americans. They knew the boat had weapons ready to attack Germany.
  • Europen Nations declare war on on another

    Europen Nations declare war on on another
    After archdukes death, Europenas tensions were so high. The death of any leader could bring war along the nation.
  • Germany declares war again

    Germany declares war again
    Germany has beed doing whatever they wanted without any regardes for any of the other counrties and have been attacking. They also wanted Mexico to join then in the war.
  • War is declared on Germany

    War is declared on Germany
    Germany had just attacked one of Americas ships. The Americans were mad because of that and they had found out about the telegram.
  • Treaty of the Zimmerman

    Treaty of the Zimmerman
    Since Germany felt like they could do whatever they wanted and attack the U.S. they were being laughed at. The U.s got lots of respect for ending the war and blaming everything on Germany.