• Archduke and Archduchess visit Sarajevo

    Archduke and Archduchess visit Sarajevo
    The 28 of June, 1914. As a show of power, they send their ArchDuke and next in line for the heir over to Serbia on a national holiday.
  • Gavrilo Princip Asssasinates The Archduke

    Gavrilo Princip Asssasinates The Archduke
    Gavrilo Princip of the Blackhand terrorist group fires to shots at the archduke and his wife, killing them both.
  • Serbia agrees to two of the three terms of the ultimatum

    Serbia agrees to two of the three terms of the ultimatum
    Serbia agrees to the two of three terms of the ultimatum set by Austria Hungary. The act was an order to create a colonized alliance. Terms were in Austria Hungary's favor allowing soldiers to march into Serbia.
  • Gavrilo Princip is arrested

    Austria-Hungary took advantage of the assassination holding Serbia accountable for the unrelated actions of Gavrilo.
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary declares unjustified war on Serbia using the assassination of the archduke and duckness as an excuss.
  • Russia mobilized to Serbia

    Russia mobilized to Serbia
    Serbia threatened by Austria-Hungary, concludes Russia to automatically mobilize their army to protect their treaty with Serbia.
  • France mobilizes to support its Russian ally

    France mobilizes to support its Russian ally
    Because of the Franco-Russian Alliance established in 1893, France was forced to mobilize its army with the threat of the German empire. Belguim followed on the same day.
  • Germany declares war on Russia

    Germany declares war on Russia
    Russia ignores the demand of Germany to demobolize their army. Viewing this as a threat, Germany declares war.
  • Germany declares war on France

    Germany declares war on France
    Germany recieves word that France mobilized thier troops and also declares war on the French.
  • Germany begins the Schlieffen Plan and attacks France through neutral Belguim

    Germany begins the Schlieffen Plan and attacks France through neutral Belguim
    Declaring war on France, Germany starts their Schlieffen plan to invade Belgium.
  • Germany invades Belgium

    Germany invades Belgium
    Germany takes the Schlieffen Plan into action. The seige of Belgium took two weeks, finally defeating the last standing fort. Fear of the Francs-tireurs (rouge soldiers stopping supply lines-train tracks, roads etc.) lead to the massacre of civilians. This was later known as the rape of Belgium. The French army declare a massive retreat into France.
  • Canada is automatically at war against Triple Alliance

    Canada is automatically at war against Triple Alliance
    Canada, a colony of Britain is automatically in the war as a supporter of the United Kingdom.
  • Britain Declares war on Germany

    Britain Declares war on Germany
    Britian sent Germany an ultimatum to vacate Belgium as their neutrality was declared by Britain in the early 1800's. Germany ignored the demand, and war was declared. Britian later used their massive navy to put a blockade on German international water trade.
  • Period: to

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Elected by President Paul von Hindenburg, Hitler becomes Chancellor as leader of the FÜhrer of the National Socialist German party.