World War Two Timeline

  • Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the Nazi party

  • Beer Hall Putsch, a failed coup by Hitler and the Nazi Party, led to Hitler's arrest

  • Mein Kampf is published by Hitler

  • Germany joins the League of Nations

  • Stock market crashes in the United States, causes a depression worldwide

  • Nazi party is elected into majority in parliament

  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected

  • Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany

  • The Reichstag is burned

  • Orienburg opens a concentration camp for political opponents and Jews

  • Enabling act was passed making Hitler the legal dictator

  • Jewish shops are boycotted, an order by Hitler

  • Nazis began burning books with non-German ideas

  • Dachau is opened as a concentration camp

  • Nazi party becomes the only party in German parliament

  • Germany quits the League of Nations

  • The Night of the Long Knives happens

  • Chancellor Dollfuss is murdered by the Nazis

  • President Hindenburg dies

  • Hitler becomes Fuhrer of Germany

  • Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles

  • Nuremburg Laws are enacted