World War 1

  • Hollywood Movie Production

    Hollywood, Cali. becomes the center of movie production in the U.S. of hollywood horror films were influenced by memories of the Great War. New techniques were introduced such as artificial lighting and fire effects.
  • Assassination of Ferdinand

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife are assassinated.
    Serbian Nationalist Gavrilo Princip shot Ferdinand.
    The assassinations touched off diplomatic crisis.
  • Germany/Great Britain Declare War

    Germany declares war on Russia and France.
    Great Britain declares war on Germany and Austria-Hungary.
    Started by Germany invading Belgium.
  • Theory Of Relativity

    Albert Einstein proposes his general theory of relativety.
    The geometric theory of gravitation.
    Current description of gravitation in modern physics.
  • 1st Transcontinental telephone call

    Alexander Graham Bell makes first transcontinental tellephone call.
    In New York City at the time.
    Phone call heard by Dr. Watson in San Francisco.
  • Lusitania is sunk

    German U-boats sink the Lusitania, and 1,198 people die.
    Sunk off the southern coast of Ireland.
    Of 1,198 people... 128 were Americans.
  • Millions of lives lost

    Battles of Verdun and the Somme claim millions of lives.
    Battle of Somme is also known as Somme Offensive.
    One of the bloodiest military battles in history.
  • Reelection for President

    Woodrow Wilson is reelected president.
    Democrats renominated Wilson.
    Republicans nominated Charles Evans Hughes.
  • Russia Withdraws

    Russia withdraws from the war.
    Russias monarchy was overthrown.
    Civil War in Russia emerged.
  • U.S Declares War

    The United States declares war on Germany.
    President Wilson had a joint session with congress to declare war.
    Germany violated the unrestricted submarine warfare pledge.
  • Selective Service Act

    The Selective Service Act sets up the draft.
    Gov needed more fighting power.
    24 million men resgistered for military under the Acy.
  • League Of Nations

    League of Nations is a national organization.
    President Wilson proposes the League of Nations.
    Was to resolve international disputes.
  • Sedition Act

    Congress passes Sedition Act.
    To extend the Espionage Act.
    Congress repealed the act on Dec. 13, 1920.
  • Communist Regime

    Vladimir Lenin was the Party leader.
    The Boldheviks establish a Communist regime in Russia.
    Revolt against Russia's Provisional Government.
  • War Ends

    The First World War ends.
    Germany surrenders and all nations agree to stop fighting.
    Treaty of Versailles formally ended the war on June 28, 1919.