World History to the Sixteenth Century

  • 2,000,000 BC- Homo Erectus

    2,000,000 BC- Homo Erectus
    Homo Erectus are first human ancestors to walk on two legs. It is believed that they first originated in Africa and then migrated to Asia and then Europe. The Homo Erectus is also the first civilation in history to make tools and use fire.
  • 300,000,000 BC Australopithecus Africanus

    300,000,000 BC Australopithecus Africanus
    The Australopithecus Africanus had a mix of human and primate features; human features including a larger brain and smaller teeth, and primate features including long arms and a sloped face. They would also walk partly on their hands and partly and their two legs.
  • 200,000 BC Homo Neanderthalensis

    200,000 BC Homo Neanderthalensis
    Homo Neanderthalensis are our closest extint ancestors. They were physically stockier then the modern human but they had the same size of brain. They built houses, used advanced tools, controled fire, ate plants and were the first humans to bury their dead, create art, worship deities, and wear clothing.
  • 3500 BC- 2500BC Mesopotamia- Sumerians

    3500 BC- 2500BC Mesopotamia- Sumerians
    Located in the area now known as Irac the sumerians lived. They created the first cities, writing (which was made of pictures) and the wheel.
  • 3100 BC the Start of Civilization in Egypt

    3100 BC the Start of Civilization in Egypt
    The Egyptian Civlization began when King Menes established the1st Dynasty. Hieroglyphics (a form of writing using symbols and pictures) were established sometime in the 1st to 2nd Dynasty.
  • 2950BC- 2575BC The Egyptian Pyramids

    2950BC- 2575BC The Egyptian Pyramids
    In 2950BC the first pyramid was made for King Djoser as a burial tomb. In 2575BC the Great Pyramids at Giza were made by the pharohs Khufu, Khephren and Menekare, they are known as one of the seven ancient wonders of the world.
  • 2500BC Minoan Civilization

    2500BC Minoan Civilization
    The Minoan civilization marks the beginning of the ancient Greek era. During this era, Greece became a major centre of trade,art, architecture and culture.
  • 2400 BC Mesopotamia- The Akkadian Empire

    2400 BC Mesopotamia- The Akkadian Empire
    The Akkadian empire is believed to be the empire. It united the cities of Mesopotamia and under its rule, art florished.
  • 1900 BC Mesopotamia- Babylonian Empire

    1900 BC Mesopotamia- Babylonian Empire
    The Babylonian Empire was one of the richest empires of the ancient world. It wealth came from the fertile agricultual land. It was also a very religious multi-cultural civilization. It was taken over by the Assyrians in 1100BC, and later by Alexander the Great in 612BC
  • 1367 BC- 1350BC Egyptian society is monothesitic

    1367 BC- 1350BC Egyptian society is monothesitic
    Under the rule of Ahkenaten (Amenhotep) Egyptian society changed from ruling multiple gods to ruling only one, Aten. This was the first form of monotheism. Aten is often symbolized as a gold disk or the sun.
  • 776BC The Olympics

    776BC The Olympics
    The Olympic Games of ancient Greece were a series of competitions for representatives from city states to compete in, in honor of Zeus (the god of the sky, the most powerfull of the gods)
  • 505BC Rise of Democracy

    505BC Rise of Democracy
    One of the first democracies was created in Anthens Greece in 505BC. There were others that came up aroundthe same time as Athens' but none were as powerful or as well recorded. Many modern goverments are based on this ancient discovery.
  • 282BC the War with Pyrrus

    282BC the War with Pyrrus
    The war with Pyrrus is important for it marks the beginning of the Roman Empire as this was the first of its many conquests. Also the war showed the Romans the they had a suprierior militia to the Greeks and other Hellenistic kingdoms which they wouldlater take over.
  • 27BC The First Roman Emperor

    27BC The First Roman Emperor
    After the defeat of Pompei, military leader Octavious has dictator Julius Ceasar assasinated and rules Rome as emperor there after. He was the first emperor of Rome and Rome remained a emipre untill its fall in 476AD
  • 410AD the Fallof the Roman Empire

    410AD the Fallof the Roman Empire
    Shortly after Christianity was named the sole religion of the Roman Empire, Rome suffered a number of events that broke the empire; first Rome had a fire that distroyed nearly half of the city, second Rome was sacked by the Visigoths, and the again by the vandels. The weakening of the capital was all the huge empire needed to break down itself and cause the end ofthe Roman Empire.
  • 1086AD The Doomsday Book

    1086AD The Doomsday Book
    The Doomsday Book was commissioned by William the Conqueror, it mapped out all land and resources owned by the English people and so he would be sure to get all possible taxes.
  • 1099BC The Crusades

    1099BC The Crusades
    The Crusades or The Holy Wars were a series of wars of the Pope and Europe against the Muslim of Palestine and other places depicted in the Bilble. They also gave birth to the Knights Templar.
  • 1216BC King Henry III

    1216BC King Henry III
    During the reign of King Henry III of England the Provisions of Oxford, a new form of government was created and forced on King Henry. It was the first England Parliment consisting of 24 noblemen and it limited the before unlimited regal authority.