

By khriz
  • 20,000 BCE


    Archery is the method by which a person uses the spring power stored in a bent stick to shoot a slender pointed projectile a great distance at rapid speed. A very useful technology, whether employed against game animals or against other human beings. Now it's considered just recreation.
  • 10,000 BCE

    animal husbandry

    animal husbandry
    The domestication of animals and the selective breeding of some to accentuate certain traits appears to have occurred around the same time as the development of agriculture. The dog is thought to be the earliest domesticated animal, probably to assist in hunting game and protect the camp.
  • 6000 BCE


    Irrigation has been a central feature of agriculture for over 5000 years, and forms the basis for the economy and culture of many civilizations throughout history. Perennial irrigation was first practiced in Mesopotamia with water flowing through small channels connecting to a river or a small lake. In Egypt, several pharaohs during the Twelfth Dynasty used oases to store water for irrigation during the dry season.
  • 6000 BCE


    Maps have been around for a long time, with the oldest map dating back to the 7th millennium BC. The first ink splatters identified as maps were found in the Minoan civilization c. 1600 BC. Greeks and Romans made portable maps in the 4th century BC, and Ptolemy's cartography treatise 'Geographia' was written in the 2nd century AD.
  • Period: 6000 BCE to 1000 BCE

    ancient era

  • 5500 BCE


    Since rowing a ship is a lot of work, men developed sails to let the wind push it along. Sailing gave humans a quicker, easier way to travel than over land, and has been used for trade, transport, fishing and warfare since the first mast was raised. The oldest representation of a ship under sail was found on a painted disc in Kuwait, dating to between 5500 and 5000 BC. Tomb paintings c. 3200 BC show reed boats under sail on the Nile.
  • 4500 BCE

    Bronze Working

    Bronze Working
    The earliest bronze artifacts – actually, arsenic bronze, alloys of metallic arsenic rather than tin – found by archaeologists in Iranian tombs date back to the fifth millennium BC. Tin-bronze was eventually found to be superior to arsenic-bronze ... and the fumes of the alloying process didn't kill the bronze worker, so that was a plus. The oldest (c. 4500 BC) tin-bronze items have been found in a Vinca site in Serbia, and other early examples include odd bits found in China
  • 4000 BCE


    The earliest known ceramics are the Gravettian culture figurines that date back to between 29 and 25 thousand BC. These were shaped by hand and fired in a pit. Somewhere around 12000 years ago, clever folk figured out that clay – often mixed with sand, grit, crushed shells, or bone – could be used to make more useful items: pots, cups, plates, bowls, storage jars, and so forth. In Japan, during the Jōmon period, potters began putting glaze on their earthenware pots.
  • 4000 BCE


    If it can't be found laying about, dig it up. That's the basic premise behind mining, one of civilization's earliest and most pragmatic technologies. The Neolithics mined flint in England and France about 4000 BC; the ancient Egyptians mined malachite at Maadi between 2600 and 2500 BC, using the hard stone for ornamentation and pottery. These were generally open pit mines, or shallow shafts such as the Athenian silver mines at Laurium, where over 20 thousand slaves labored.
  • 4000 BCE


    The ancient Egyptians mastered the art of masonry as early as the fourth millennium BC, constructing temples, palaces, pyramids and other edifices from limestone, sandstone, granite and basalt found in the hills of the Nile River. The Assyrians of the Fertile Crescent lacked easy access to stone but possessed rich deposits of clay, which they sun-dried into bricks. The Babylonians too used brick, held together with mortar made of lime and pitch.
  • 4000 BCE

    Horseback Riding

    Horseback Riding
    There is archaeological evidence that around 4000 BC humans had used bits on their horses in the basins of the Dnieper and Don rivers; skeletons of horses found in the region shows signs that the horses chomped on bits. Thus, horseback riding. It is thought that the Scythians of the steppes may well have been the first to develop the stirrup and the saddle, although the historical argument is as yet unconvincing.
  • 4000 BCE

    Iron Working

    Iron Working
    While the use of iron has been dated back to 4000 BC, the Hittites were the first to extract the ore, smelt it and fashion weapons – thus setting off the Iron Age around 1200 BC. In Asia, iron working developed at about the same time; iron Chinese artifacts have been unearthed dating back to around 600 BC. From those two places, using iron for weapons and tools spread quickly across the globe, except in the Americas where the natives continued to hit each other with rocks.
  • 4000 BCE


    When the architects and engineers get done mucking about, the contractors take over. Once there was agriculture and a reason to stay in one place, the first huts were constructed by the people who would live in them. As cities grew during the Bronze Age, professional construction workers – just bricklayers and carpenters at first – arose. This new class of skilled workers, including lots of slaves, literally laid the foundations for civilization.
  • 3400 BCE


    Writing is a technology that – like a few others – quite literally changed the course of civilization. The ability to set things down so as to remember them – “external memory storage” – unaltered beyond a single lifetime meant that every aspect of the human condition, every social structural and cultural more, altered significantly. Writing allowed civilization to become organized – organized religion, organized government, organized economy, organized war, organized science.
  • 2600 BCE


    Engineering is the science (or perhaps “art,” if engineers themselves are involved in the discussion) of using science to design things: buildings, roads and bridges, machines, and other materially useful things. The term is somewhat vague – consider for example, software “engineering.” Originally the term referred only to creating “engines” of war; the Romans applied it to all sorts of public works, since their legions were building roads, bridges and walls all over the empire.
  • 2550 BCE

    Military Engineering

    Military Engineering
    Loosely defined as “the art and practice of designing and building military works and maintaining lines of military transport and communications,” military engineering dates back to the Roman legions, which each had a small, specialized corps devoted to overseeing the building of fortifications and roads. They were also the ones to build the catapults, battering rams and siege towers when needed to stamp out some unruly town.
  • 2500 BCE


    The term “mathematics” is derived from the Greek mathema, meaning “knowledge, study, or learning.” Appropriate, given that it is the science of science, focused on quantity, measurement, structure, logic and change. Mathematics, according to some, is also the art of art, focused on space, shape, relationship, perspective, and fractals. Not to mention mathematics relationship to music.
  • 2500 BCE


    Shipbuilding is, of course, the building of ships. Shipwrights follow a profession that traces its roots back to an age before recorded history. Archaeological evidence indicates that humans sailed to Borneo from Asia 120 thousand years ago aboard constructed ships; and later to New Guinea and Australia some 50 thousand years ago. In the fourth millennium BC, the Egyptians were constructing boat hulls from planks of wood, using treenails to hold them together and pitch to make them watertight
  • 2500 BCE


    Supplying clean water and sewage is essential for the world's growth because without it, people often suffer from illness and death. A group of households buys water from a public well and discharges the waste water (and all the waste it contains) into closed pits in the streets.
  • 2000 BCE


    The invention of the wheel comes in the late Neolithic Age, and along with the advance of several other technologies kicks off the Bronze Age. Archaeological evidence for wheeled vehicles appears in the fourth millennia BC, more or less at the same time in Mesopotamia, the Caucasus and Central Europe (obviously, an idea whose time had come). In China the wheel was certainly in existence by 1200 BC, when Chinese chariots appeared.
  • 2000 BCE


    Currency, where something relatively worthless in itself represents some amount of actual value, has been the bane of civilization since around 2000 BC, when a form of receipt was used to show ownership of stored grain in temples in Sumer. The Egyptians soon adopted the practice for their own grain warehouses, so that individuals could claim a portion they had “banked” therein.
  • 1600 BCE


    Humans learn things, and civilization results. Obviously education has been around as long as mankind has. Through most of history, it was an informal affair, parents teaching their children the skills they needed to know to survive and be productive (household chores and hunting expeditions and dodging barbarians and so forth). As a tribe expanded and grew more prosperous, village elders and priests might educate the children while the healthy adults gathered food, built stuff and made war.
  • Period: 1000 BCE to 500

    classical era

  • 800 BCE

    Metal Casting

    Metal Casting
    Casting is a process that allows craftsmen to create identical metal parts by pouring molten metal into molds. As the Chinese discovered, iron could also be used to make many arrows, spears, and guns. But most ancient people used molten metal to create jewelry.
  • 517 BCE


    TThis understanding is much easier than in the old days when goods were distributed through trade. However, even in the early days of finance and commercial trade, the concepts of production and productivity were developed by ancient writers such as Fan Li in China around 517 BC. C., and Chanakia in India around 350 a. , including supply and demand; He established the principles of single ownership, borrowing and borrowing. National economic policy. In the Middle Ages
  • 322 BCE


    Along with writing, gunpowder and pre-sliced bread, the stirrup is considered one of the basic inventions needed to spread civilization ... at least by some historians. Like all great innovations, it seems such a simple idea. Humans had domesticated the horse around 4500 BC, but where to put one's feet and how to stay on when the horse began running? The saddle, invented around 800 BC, took care of the latter problem. But adding two pieces of leather with a loop
  • 50


    When humans began to develop tasks that they or their animals could not (or would not) do, they invented machines. From those first simple machines – the lever, pulley and screw – that Archimedes went on about, a machine civilization has evolved on Earth. Later Greek thinkers added the wedge and the wheel/axle to the list of the five simple machines
  • 142


    The powder is known to have been invented by Chinese artisans during the Tang Dynasty, one of the four great works of China. The earliest records of an example include sulfur, carbon, and potassium nitrate from the end of the Song of Songs, which are considered a cure for immortality. The Chinese found other useful uses for gunpowder in the bombs and rockets they used against the Mongols.
  • 150

    Celestial Navigation

    Celestial Navigation
    Celestial navigationis the practice of taking angular measurements between a celestial body and a point on the horizon to determine one's position on the globe. A very useful skill for early sailors venturing out of sight of land. The altitude of the sun above the horizon at noon when compared with the altitude of other bodies gave, for instance, the latitude of the ship.
  • Period: 500 to 1350

    medieval era

  • 900


    Castles in Europe date back to the early 10th Century AD and served a utilitarian role in feudal society, imposing the lord's will on the land. They were little more than square stone boxes or fairy structures with tall towers and flying buttresses.
  • 1040


    No technology since writing so impacted civilization as did movable-type printing. Woodblock printing had been used for decades in China, India and Europe. The pecia system developed in the early 13th Century at Italian universities gave booksellers a method for producing multiple copies of a book in a relatively short time. But books remained expensive, and possessions only for the educated elite.
  • 1275


    "Banks" have existed for a long time, and Hammurabi even established laws to regulate banking in his famous code, most of which used various unsavory methods to ensure repayment. It was an individual who made a loan.
  • 1300

    Mass Production

    Mass Production
    Venice's Renaissance Arsenal used prefabricated parts and assembly lines to mass-produce ships, leading to three centuries of unmatched output. It employed ten thousand workers and produced a seaworthy ship in a day.
  • 1300

    Square Rigging

    Square Rigging
    In the mid-1400s AD, two-masted square sailing ships first appeared in the Mediterranean, replacing the triangular sailing ships that had been used for thousands of years. The English immediately added to the bow and arrow of the palaces, airplanes, lookouts, and other posts.
  • Period: 1350 to

    Renaissance Era

  • 1450


    A rifle is simply a straight groove cut into the barrel to allow the ball or bullet to rotate, thus gyroscopically stabilizes the projectile, increasing accuracy and range. In short, a skilled sniper should be able to hit some stuff with a smooth-bore rifle, but an idiot with a handgun has a very good chance of hitting a target with a rifle.
  • 1551

    Steam Power

    Steam Power
    When water is heated to boiling point, steam is produced. A century later, Edward Somerset published a collection of his "ideas", including a steam pump, a working model of which he built at Raglan Castle, and it began to take shape. In 1680 Huygens published his memoirs describing an engine that moved pistons; in 1698 Thomas Savery built a virtual copy of the Somerset machine... and prevented almost all uses of steam power.
  • Chemistry

    Astronomy developed from astrology, while chemistry developed from another pseudoscience, alchemy. Alchemy spans his 4,000 years and three continents. Never underestimate humanity's ability to believe irrational things. The roots of Western alchemy can be traced back to Greek Egypt, where Zosimos of Panopolis described how the ancient priests transformed metals from one thing to another
  • Period: to

    Industrial Era

  • Industrialization

    Scientists view industrialization as the transition from an agricultural to an industrial society, which historically has been accompanied by widespread social and economic upheavals. It is driven by the invention of new machines and the discovery of new energy sources.
  • Astronomy

    Major advances in astronomy often come from the introduction of new technologies. Studying infinity helps to see large, distant or other objects. Increasingly better telescopes enabled William Herschel to make detailed inventories of nebulae and star clusters, and in 1781 to "discover" Uranus.
  • Flight

    From the beginning, there have been myths (some of which may be true) about people wearing wings or other devices and trying to fly, usually by jumping from great heights. In the Middle Ages, for example, Armen Firman tied bird wings and feathers to his body and jumped from a tower in Cordoba in 852 AD. But it wasn't until the Montgolfier brothers launched a hot air balloon in 1783 that a man took to the skies and landed safely. Hot air balloon rides are popular in Europe.
  • Ballistics

    The practice of throwing things away has been known for a long time. The old ways of throwing things are very good. This science of mechanics is called "ballistics". The first ball weapons were sticks, stones, and spears.
  • Steel

    Modern iron production began in 1855 AD when Henry Bessemer developed his process using pig iron as the basis for producing "little" iron. This was a hundred years after Benjamin Huntsman invented the first steel. In Sheffield, UK - An update to the old "box" approach, but not a radical change. Within a few decades, however, steel mills using the Bessemer process spread across the world
  • Petroleum Refining

    Petroleum Refining
    The increase in oil supplies led to experiments to improve the quality of oil, starting with simple refining devices and increasing in complexity and precision.
  • Combustion

    Although internal combustion engines were described by engineers before the 20th century (for example, Jean Joseph Étienne Lenoir's piston-piston engine in 1860 AD), even the surface oil drilling industry and processes for refine gasoline, which is little more than the. none And you need a smelly, loud boot. Although Siegfried Marcus installed an electric motor in a cart in Vienna in 1870, its potential was unknown.
  • Electricity

    Greek, Roman, and Arab physicians confirmed the anesthetic effect of electric shock in various animals.
  • Replaceable Parts

    Replaceable Parts
    During the Warring States period, the Qin Dynasty used bows made with spare parts to defeat their opponents. In the mid-1800s, some clock and sewing machine manufacturers began to use cross-sections in their factories. The Song Sewing Machine Company (1870) and the McCormick Harvester Company (1880) followed suit, as did manufacturers of steam engines, locomotives and bicycles.
  • Period: to

    Modern Era

  • Radio

    The idea of ​​"wireless" communications began with wireless telephonic experiments in the 1830s—sending bills over land, water, and even railroads. In 1888, Heinrich Hertz demonstrated that electromagnetic waves can travel through air; his publication caused a stir among enthusiasts and enthusiasts alike to reproduce these Hertzian waves. However, this only happened after the Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi built the first practical wireless telephone with great success
  • Plastics

    Synthetic or semi-synthetic organic polymers are obtained from high molecular weight petrochemicals, are extremely durable, malleable, lightweight, and are now ubiquitous in modern civilization. They come in a variety of shapes, some harder, some more flexible, and some more or less heat-resistant. Plastics can be formed, pressed, and extruded into almost any shape.
  • Nuclear Fission

    Nuclear Fission
    In physics and chemistry, fission is natural or other decay in which an atomic nucleus splits into lighter nuclei, releasing neutrons and photons, and thus energy. If a chain fires up, there are free neutrons and photons that split other surrounding nuclei, releasing a huge amount of energy.
  • Advanced flight

    Advanced flight
    The Germans kept their creation, the Messerschmitt Me-262, a secret. The first jet fighter, the Me-262, arrived too late to make much of an impact on the war, but the Me-262 shot down 542 enemy aircraft. The Czech Air Force continued to serve until 1951.
  • Rocketry

    Until World War II, rockets were short, inaccurate, and ineffective. In 1792, Tipu Sultan used iron cannons to defend Mysore from an invasion by the British East India Company. Sensing a good omen, the British developed Congreve rockets that could be used against the French, Americans and other dangerous enemies.
  • Synthetic Materials

    Synthetic Materials
    First, cotton was invented by Joseph Swan in the early 1880s; its fibers were made from tree bark and were shaped like the long fibers of a bulb, but more like cloth. After this, Frenchman Hilaire de Chardonnet created rayon and exhibited it at the Paris Exposition in 1889. Five years later, three British chemists created a substance they called "viscose," which they named "rayon" in 1924. Then the nylon came from Wallace Carothers who worked for DuPont Chemical Company.
  • Period: to

    Atomic Era

  • Nuclear Fusion

    Nuclear Fusion
    In contrast to nuclear fission – where energy is generated by the division of a nucleus – nuclear fusion occurs when two or more atomic nuclei slam together hard enough to fuse, which also releases photons in quantity. Fusion reactions power the stars of the universe, giving off lots of light and heat.
  • Satellites

    A satellite with an integrated radio transmitter was launched by Soviet Russia in October 1957 AD. An artificial satellite (as opposed to natural satellites such as the Moon) in orbit, Sputnik alerted those gathered on Earth that the world had changed dramatically... Sputnik 2 was launched in November, carrying the first living creature in space, a dog named Laika (who died a few hours after launch).
  • Lasers

    The term “laser” is an acronym for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation,” which pretty much describes what it happens to be. The theory dates back to a paper by Albert Einstein in 1917 which offered a derivation of Planck's Law concerning stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation. In 1928, the atomic physicist Rudolf Ladenburg confirmed the phenomena of stimulated emission and negative absorption.
  • Nanotechnology

    Tiny machines inside animals and humans snipping, slicing, splicing, melding or mutating cells. Tiny machines creating new materials on the molecular level. Or tiny machines making more tiny machines. Whatever use it may be put to, nanotechnology is just beyond the edge of science fiction.
  • Composites

    A composite is any material made from two or more materials with significantly differing physical or chemical properties; composites are distinct from alloys or chemical compounds (in which the components do not retain their original properties).
  • Robotics

    In 1942 AD, the science fiction author Isaac Asimov proposed three “laws of robotics.” In 1948 the American mathematician Norbert Wiener formulated the “principles of cybernetics” as the basis for practical robotics. And in 1961 the first programmable robot – “Unimate” – was constructed to lift and stack hot pieces of metal from a die casting machine.
  • Stealth Technology

    Stealth Technology
    The ability to sneak around unnoticed and wreak havoc is every five-year-old's dream. Modern scientists are trying to make it a reality. Modern stealth technology combines several military projects and experimental science to conceal and detect objects beyond the range of human visibility through radar, acoustics, thermal measurements, or other less visible methods. try both.
  • Telecommunications

    In 1894, Guglielmo Marconi created the first commercially viable wireless telegraph. This soon became known as "radio". In October 1925, Scottish inventor John Logie Baird publicly demonstrated the transmission of moving halftone images, which soon became known as "television."
  • Computers

    If you think of computers as just tools to help with calculations, these tools have been around for thousands of years. The abacus, used since 2400 BC, is one such tool. (It's the same as counting on the fingers, but too simple for the modern world.) Abi Bakr of Persia invented a mechanical astrolabe and calendar counter in 1235 AD
  • Period: to

    Information Era

  • Advanced Power Cells

    Advanced Power Cells
    The first true solid-state device for power generation was developed by Italian inventor Alessandro Volta in 1800. Since then, countless improvements have been made to Volta's electrochemical cell design, and the digital revolution has increased investment and interest in developing battery technology. Anything without a working battery will be an expensive failure.
  • Period: to

    Future Era

  • Advanced AI

    Advanced AI
    In these cases, AI often "researches" the problem by developing and testing hypotheses about underlying data patterns, fitting them to the data, and iteratively building refined models with significant explanatory power.
  • Cybernetics

    One of the oldest projects of scientists in the Cybernetics Project was the desire to create functional prosthetics, which is why the word "cybernetics" has become synonymous with popular culture rather than agriculture and mining agriculture. Courses in the discipline of cybernetics have mechanical aspects. Despite trends in life cycle systems, new experimental projects in psychology and advances in computer technology led to exchanges between experts from both academic departments.
  • Offworld Missions

    Offworld Missions
    If human beings are to settle away from planet Earth, it will be necessary to develop competencies for life isolated from the main planet—simple matters like “growing food” and “finding enough water” and “not having to run home for spare parts.” Approaches for sustained life away from Earth are still in the theoretical stages in the early Twenty-First Century. It is hoped that as human beings develop the ability to live away from our home planet
  • Predictive Systems

    Predictive Systems
    Artificial Intelligence systems can create sophisticated models of behavior, with good predictive power for future behavior. This is becoming widely exploited in commercial domains (as anyone who carefully observes the Internet advertisements served up them can tell you) but it is also being used in other areas as well. Medical and health professionals are interested in increased efficacy of targeted preventative programs. Law enforcement is interested in being able to anticipate crime.
  • Smart Materials

    Smart Materials
    Materials are usually selected for use on the basis of a single quality. A brick, for instance, should not be flexible if it is to be a good basis for construction. Smart materials are materials which can assume different properties on command, in response to different situations. An analogy would be a brick that is solid when used as a building material, but which could be flat and flexible for easy storage and portability otherwise.