world history : illustrated Timeline

By Lmpena
  • Hobbes publishes Leviathan

    Hobbes was a writer in the 1600s , Hobbes wrote a piece defending King Charles being executed and republic being declared . 1651 culminated in the English civil wars through the years of 1642-1651 . The book was about Leviathan . Leviathan established social contract theory .
  • 1690 Locke publishes two treaties on government

    1690 Locke publishes an essay concerning the true original extent and end of civil government,Locke rejected the divine right of the kings.Locke said Societies form government by mutual agreement.His most famous work of political philosophy began as a reply too Filmer's defense of the natural idea of divine rights of kings and ended up becoming a defense of the natural rights especially property rights and of government limited to protecting those rights.
  • 1748 Monte Quieu published the spirtit of laws

    The first political theory on treaties published anonymously. First political theory published by Monte Quieu with the help of the Claudine Guerin. The spirit of laws is Montes best work which he reflects to on the influence of climate and society and the separation of political powers and the need for checks on a powerful executive office.
  • Rousseau published the social contract

    Rousseau arguies laws are biding only when they are by the general will of the people . Rousseau believed that "man is born free" he lived in crowded Paris. In 1762 he took the most difficult task of making an education and social order that would enable men to be happy and free . Rousseau said " to be free in this sense would be to be happy'.
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  • 1764 Beccaria published on crimes and punishment

    Beccaria published his famous and influential criminology essay .He influenced criminology by just one essay , extremely influential Enlightenment treatise on legal reform in which Beccaria advocates the ending of torture and the death penalty. The book also contains a lengthy commentary by Voltaire which is an indication of highly French enlightened thinkers regarded the work.