World History

  • 1455

    Gutenberg publishes the first full length book

    Gutenberg publishes the first full length book
    it was printed in 1455 by johann gutenburg and was one of the first books to be printed using the moveable metal type in europe.
  • 1492

    Columbian Exchange

    Columbian Exchange
    the Columbian Exchange refers to the exchange of diseases, ideas, food e Columbian Exchange refers to the exchange of diseases, ideas, food crops, and populations between the New World and the Old World rops, and populations between the New World and the Old World following the voyage to the Americas by Christopher Columbus in 1492.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus discovers the New World

    Columbus discovers the New World
    Columbus wanted to find a shorter route from europe to asia. He disagreed that the circumference of the earth was much smaller than he thought it was. He believed that the journey from europe to asia will be both easy and successful. He had made this plan and presented it to the officials in portugal and england, but wasn’t until 1492 until he started is journey.
  • Jun 7, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Treaty of Tordesillas
    June 7, 1494. agreement between Spain and Portugal aimed at settling conflicts over lands newly discovered or explored by Christopher Columbus and other late 15th-century voyagers.
  • 1508

    Michelangelo starts working on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

    Michelangelo starts working on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
    In 1508 Pope Julius 2 hired Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the sistine chapel, the sequence begins with creation , above the alter, and progresses toward the entry side of the chapel.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    nailed the 95 these onto the church door

    nailed the 95 these onto the church door
    was made to debate concerned questions about the indulgences written, they were nailed onto the door of the church. Luther nailed them onto the door on October 31, 1517.
  • Aug 13, 1521

    Fall of the Aztec Empire

    Fall of the Aztec Empire
    The fall of Tenochtitlan is an important event in the history of the Americas as it marks the end of the Aztec Empire. This event took place on August 13, 1521 and was the result of a three-month long siege. However, it may be said that the Spanish were not really the masters of Mexico yet, and they would only achieve this status some decades later.
  • Sep 8, 1522

    ferdinand magellan circumnavigated the whole world

    ferdinand magellan circumnavigated the whole world
    Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigates the world-who sailed under the flags of both Portugal and Spain. From Spain he sailed around South America, discovering the Strait of Magellan, and across the Pacific.
  • Defeat of the Spanish Armada

    Defeat of the Spanish Armada
    invaded england in conjunction with the soanish army from Flanders. Sir Francis Drake created raids that damaged the spanish rule. The spanish Fleet consisted of about 130 ships with about 8,000 seamen and possible 19,000 soldiers. The English Fleet included 220 ships but during most of the fighting the ships numbered less than 100, 40 of them being warships.
  • Creation of the Edict of Nantes

    Creation of the Edict of Nantes
    signed in April 1598 by King Henry 5 of France, granted the huguenots substantial rights in the nation, which was still considered essentially catholic all the time.