A line of women rally for womens suffrage

Womens Suffrage

By jheep
  • Seneca Falls

    Seneca Falls
    Women split over the 14 and 15th amendment which allowed African American men the right to vote but didn't grant the right to women.
  • Wyoming

    Granted voting rights to women along with Utah, Colorado, and Idaho when other states failed to do the same
  • Susan B. Anthony

    Susan B. Anthony
    They tested the question of, aren't women citizens too? by voting 150 times in ten states
  • Supreme Court Decision

    Supreme Court Decision
    The supreme court ruled that women were indeed citizens but denied that citizenship automatically conferred the right to vote

    National Womens Suffrage Association. Combined with another group to become the National American Womens Suffrage Association.
  • NAWSA President Change

    NAWSA President Change
    Carrie Chapman Catt takes over as president of the NAWSA from 1900to 1904
  • Trangle Shirtwaiste Fire

    Trangle Shirtwaiste Fire
    146 workers were caught and died in fire.