
Women's Suffrage

By clarkan
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    First suffrage conevtion. Women split over the issues of voting around the 14th and 15th Amendments.
  • Voting rights in Wyoming

    Voting rights in Wyoming
    Convinced state legislaters to allow women voting rights.
  • Women Citizens

    Women Citizens
    Susan B. Anthony and other women tried voting at least 150 times in ten states and district of colombus.
  • First Supreme Court Decision

    First Supreme Court Decision
    The Supreme Court agreed that women were citizens but didn't give them citizenship so they couldn't vote.
  • National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA)

    National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA)
    Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Staton founded NWSA which later formed with another group for NAWSA
  • Susan B. Anthony's Succesor

    Susan B. Anthony's Succesor
    Susan B. Anthony's succesor was Carrie Chapman Catt
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
    With low wages dangerous working conditions and long hours led many female industrial workers to push for reforms. With the fire reformation had began.
  • Catt's Presidency

    Catt's Presidency
    Carrie Chapman Catt resumed her presidency when she returned from New York's women suffrage party. She concentrated on 5 tatics.
    1. Painstaking organizations
    2. Close ties between local, state, and national workers
    3. Establishing a wide base of support
    4. Cautious lobbying
    5. Gracious, ladylike behavoior
  • Lucy Burns and Alice Paul

    Lucy Burns and Alice Paul
    These two women created a Congressional Union and the succesor was the NAWSA and Paul succesfully created a round-the-clock picket line around the White House
  • Women can vote

    Women can vote
    Congress created the 19th Amendment in allowing women to vote. It was ratified a year later 72 years after women first convened and demanded voting rights