Women's Sufferage Movement

By Luckjn
  • Susan B. Anthony

    A leading member of the womans sufferage movement, she fought for the right to vote and was a founding member of the Nation Women Sufferage Association (NWSA). The rapid growth of the organization made many men fear that they would soon vote in favor of prohibition and restrictions on child labor laws.
  • Illegal Voting

    Several women including Susan B. Anthony attempted to vote more than 150 times in ten states and the district of columbia. The Supreme Court ruled that though the women were classified as citizens, they werent guaranteed a right to vote.
  • Carry Nation and the WCTU

    This small group of christian women thought alchohol was undermining america morals and spearheaded the the crusade for prohibition. Members went into saloons, singing, praying, and urging saloonkeepers to stop selling alchohol. by 1911 they had over 245,000 members, and began openning kindergatens, and visiting prison and asylum inmates. this expanded womens role in the publc, which was later used to justify women voting rights.
  • NAWSA Formed

    after the NWSA united with another well known womans sufferage group in 1890 they became known as the National American Woman Sufferage Association, or NAWSA. They Pushed to outlaw alchohol and have restriction put on child labor, they put fear into men all around america with their increased presence in society.
  • Carrie Chapman Catt and New NAWSA Tactics

    Three events came in favor of womens sufferage, the increased activism of local groups, bold new strategies to build enthusiasm, and the rebirth of the movement under Carrie Chapman Catt. She pushed for five tactics to help the womens sufferage party
    1. painstaking organization
    2. close ties between local, state, and national workers
    3. establishing a wide base of support
    4. cautious lobbying
    5. gracious, ladylike behavior
    after a long 72 year battle the 19th ammendment was passed in 1919
  • 19th Amendment

    nearly 72 years after the fight to end women sufferage began, the 19th amendment was passed by congress on august 20th, 1919 that gave women the right to vote.