Women's Rights Development

  • 300

    Anglo-Saxon Period

    -The first known women with rights
    -Ruled early Britain
    -Women had more rights now than women in the next few centuries
  • Period: 300 to

    Women's Rights Development

  • Jul 18, 600

    Middle Assyrian Code Enforced

    -Middle Assyrian Code limited women, forced fidelity, and caused them to have to have arranged marriages
    - enforced between 4th century and 7th century
  • The Feudal System

    -women and men work side by side
    -men and women have equal jobs and equal labor
    -lasted between 1300-1700 AD
  • The French Revolution

    -working class women march to the government offices to demand cheaper bread
    -occurs during the era when men and women begin to be seen as people of different equalities
  • Publishing of "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman "

    -a book written and published by Mary Wollstonecraft
    -argues that the difference between men and women should be broken
    -states that women's dependancy on the husband's income is unfair
  • The forming of the "Female Antislavery Society"

  • Seneca Falls Convention for women’s rights

    -the Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments is written
    -describes how men and women are equal
    -demands women's right to vote
  • Women's Rights Campaign

    Susan B. Anthony goes on a campaign to get women's education, property rights, the right to vote, careers for women, and the right to vote
  • First state with women voters

    -Wyoming become first state that allows women to vote
    -in 1970 Wyoming grants women the right to be judges
  • Darwin's Theory Does Damage

    -Darwin's new theory of evolution powers ideas of how inequality is right
    -more simply called "scientifically proving why women are inferior"
  • The publishing of "The Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State"

    Friedrich Engels publishes a book that desribes how men and women were equal in the older times, and that the whole buisness of inequality came about because of land ownership. It also challanges the arguments brought about by Darwin's theories.
  • National American Woman Suffrage Association founded

    -The National American Woman Suffrage Association founded to make a sure women gain the right to vote
  • Royal Commission on the status of women

    -Royal Commision set to examie if women deserved more rights and equality
  • The Montréal Women's Liberation Movement is founded

  • Royal Comissioners believe women deserve better equality

  • Women Unite: An Anthology of the Women's Movement is published

  • Mother Was Not a Person published

    -written by Margaret Anderson
  • Women declared equals in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms