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womens rights

  • Period: to

    womens rights

    evolution of womens rights
  • senca falls convention in new york

    senca falls convention in new york
    After a 2 day discussion and debate over 30 men and 68 women signed the Declaration of Sentiments, which sets the agenda for the women's rights movement.
  • Formation of the nwsa (National Woman Suffrage Association)

    Formation of the nwsa (National Woman Suffrage Association)
    Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton form the National Woman Suffrage Association. The main goal was to achieve voting rights for all women by means of the Congressional amendment to the Constitution. This organazation was attended by many women.
  • Formation of the awsa (American Woman Suffrage Association)

    Formation of the awsa (American Woman Suffrage Association)
    Lucy Stone, Henry Blackwell and many other loyal and strong women formed this organazation. Just like the nwsa both oraganazations want to achieve womens rights but the awsa instead wanted to achieve it through amendments to individual state constitutions.
  • First womens sufferage law

    This was when Wyoming passesd the first women's suffrage law. This was to give women the right to vote and more. Also The following year, women begin serving on juries in the territory.
  • The National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) was formed.

     The National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) was formed.
    The National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) was formed by the The National Women Suffrage Association and the American Women Suffrage Association. The organization went state to state to gain voters.
  • Colorado is the first state to adopt amendment granting womens voting rights

    Colorado is the first state to adopt amendment granting womens voting rights
    Colorado becomes the first state to officially adopt an amendment that grants the right for women to vote. Many other states start to follow like utah, nevada, oregan and many more durring the mid 1890's to 1918.
  • National Association of Colored Women is formed

    National Association of Colored Women is formed
    This is when the National Association of Colored Women is formed. Over 100 black womens clubs and organization are brought together by this. Also leaders in the black women's club movement include churches likw Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin, Mary Church Terrell, and many more.
  • The National Women's Trade Union League (WTUL) is formed

    The National Women's Trade Union League (WTUL) is formed
    The National Women's Trade Union League (WTUL) in 1903. The reason for this organization was to increase womens wages for pay so that it was fair. Also another reason was to improve working conditions for women.
  • Alice Paul and Lucy Burns form the Congressional Union

    Alice Paul and Lucy Burns form the Congressional Union
    Alice Paul and Lucy Burns form the Congressional Union in order to get the voteing right from a federal amendment. The Nwp or the National Women's Party was later the groups name. Some of the members picket the White House and practice other forms of civil disobedience as well.
  • Margaret Sanger opens the first U.S. birth-control clinic in Brooklyn, N.Y.

    Margaret Sanger opens the first U.S. birth-control clinic in Brooklyn, N.Y.
    Margaret Sanger opens the first U.S. birth-control clinic in Brooklyn, N.Y. Ten days later thoe the clinic is shut down and sanger gets arrested. in 1923 she gets support and wins against the court and opens another clinic in new york.
  • The Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor is formed

    The Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor is formed
    The Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor is formed. This organization was formed to ensure the fair working conditions for women and to collect information about women in the workforce.