By Gomez 9
  • 1868

    April On 15 April 1868, the MNSWS holds the first ever public meeting about women’s suffrage at the Manchester Free Trade Hall.
  • 1897

    The National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies NUWSS is formed, uniting 17 societies. Later led by Milicent Fawcett, the NUWSS favoured peaceful campaign methods such as petitions.
  • 1909

    Marion Wallace Dunlop becomes the first imprisoned suffragette to go on hunger strike. Later that year prisons begin to force feed inmates on hunger strike.
  • 1909

    The Women's Tax Resistance League WTRL is formed, a direct action group who refused to pay taxes without political representation. Their founding slogan is ‘No vote, no tax.
  • 1916

    Asquith makes a declaration of allegiance to women’s
  • 1929

    May Women over the age of 21 vote in their first general election. There is no majority, but Ramsay MacDonald’s Labour party take over from the Conservatives.