Womens suffrage

Women suffarage

  • seneca falls convention

    seneca falls convention
    the first time meet to discuss motive women split over the issue of the 14th qnd 15th admendment
  • Wyoming

    They tried to convinced legislatures to grant women the right to vote . They achieved a victory in the territory of wyoming in 1869
  • Illegal Voting

    Illegal Voting
    Susan B, Anthony and other women tested that question by attempting to vote at least 150 times in ten states and the district of columbia
  • Supreme Court Decision

    Supreme Court Decision
    women were ctitzens but they denied that citizenship
  • Nacw

    An african american women's club movement as the 'the moral education of the race withvwhich we are identified
  • Period: to


    An african american women's club movement as the 'the moral education of the race withvwhich we are identified
  • Carrie Chapman Catt

    Carrie Chapman Catt
    Carrie Chapman Catt concentratd on five tactics: she focus on painstaking organization, ties between local, state, national workers and establishing a wide base of support and cautious lobbying.
  • Triangle shirtwaist shop fire

    An terrible tragedy when this shop burned downed hundreds of women die.
  • New Nawsa Tactics

    New Nawsa Tactics
    these were the new women tactics, painstaking organization, ties between local, state, national workers and establishing a wide base of support and cautious lobbying.
  • More Radical Tactics

    More Radical Tactics
    Paul had organized her followers to mount a round the clock picket line around the white house.
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    19th amendment granting women the right to vote