6 suffragist picketing(4)

Women's Suffrage

  • Susan B. Anthony

    Susan B. Anthony
    Susan B. Anthony was a leader during the Women's Suffrage movement. Anthony founded with Elizabeth Cady Stanton the National Women's Suffrage Assosication.
  • Illegal Voting

    Illegal Voting
    In 1871 Susan B. Anthony and a few other women voted in at least ten states, but while Congress agreed the women were citizens, they did not believe that all citizens had the right to vote.
  • Carry Nation and the WCTU

    Carry Nation and the WCTU
    The Women's Christian Temperance Union pushed for prohabition. Women believed liquor was killing American family morals. Women pushed the issue of prohabition because many believed liquor was causing men to abuse their wives.
  • NAWSA Formed

    NAWSA Formed
    The National Women's Suffrage Assosication was formed in 1890 by Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
  • Carrie Champman Catt and New NAWSA Tactics

    Carrie Champman Catt and New NAWSA Tactics
    Catt was Susab B. Anthony's successor and had five tactics she used to gain support. She used organization, close ties with the government. gathering support from all classes, cautious lobbying and ladylike behavior.
  • 19th Amendment

    This amendment gave women the right to vote, after 75 years of waiting.