women's suffrage

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  • Susan B. Anthony

    Susan B. Anthony
    Susan B. Anthony she was a leading proponent of women suffrageing. In 1869 Anthony and Elizabeth cady stanton had founded the national women suffrage assocation, which united with another group in 1890 to become the national american women suffrage assocation or NAWSA.
  • illegal voting

    illegal voting
    suffragist leaders tried three approaches to achieve their objective. first, they tried to convince state legislatures to grant women the right to vote. they achieved a victory in the territory of wyoming in 1869 and by the 1890's utah, colorado, and idaho had also granted voting rights to women.
  • carry nation and the wctu

    carry nation and the wctu
    Carrie Amelia Moore Nation was an American woman who was a radical member of the temperance movement, which opposed alcohol before the advent of Prohibition. She is particularly noteworthy for attacking the property of alcohol-serving establishments with a hatchet.
  • NAWSA formed

    NAWSA formed
    the NWSA united with another group to form the NAWSA in 1890. two leaders was Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth cady stanton. other prominent leaders included Lucy stone and julia ward howe, the author of " the battle hymm of the republic ". many men simply feared the changing role of women in society.
  • carrie chapman catt and new NAWSA tactics

    carrie chapman catt and new NAWSA tactics
    determined suffragist pushed on, however. they finally saw sucsess come with in reach as a result of three developments: the increased ativisim of local grops, the use of bold new strategies to build enthusiasm for the movement, and the rebirth of the national movement under carrie chapman catt.
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    the 19th amendment, granting women the right to vote. the amendment won fianl ratification in august 1920-1972 years after women had first convened and demanded the vote at seneca falls convention in 1848.