
Women's Suffrage

  • Susan B. Anthony

    Susan B. Anthony
    She was a very important woman in woman's suffrage. She questioned the right for black men to vote and not women. She helped to create the NWSA which united with other groups to make the women's suffrage a big deal.
  • Illegal Voting

    Illegal Voting
    Susan B Anthony walks into a booth and tries to cast a vote and is arrested. Fifteen other women try to do the same thing and are also arrested. This brought people to the attention that women really want the right to vote.
  • Carry Nation and the WCTU

    Carry Nation and the WCTU
    Carry Nation was one of the many prohibitionist that worked for the WCTU. She walked into saloons and began to scold customers, sing, pray, and use a hatchet to break liquor bottles. She and others tried to encourage saloonkeepers to stop selling alcohol. This group allowed women to come together and stand up for what they believed in, which was the banning of alcohol.
  • NAWSA Formed

    NAWSA Formed
    The NWSA, founded by Susan B. Anthony, later united with other small groups of women who supported women's rights. This became a big, united group. This group encouraged other people to support women's suffrage and brought the attention to them and what they stood for.
  • Carrie Chapman Cat and New NAWSA Tactics

    Carrie Chapman Cat and New NAWSA Tactics
    Carrie Chapman Catt was Anthony's successor, and when she returned to the NAWSA, she thought of five new tactics that they could use to bring them closer to getting what they wanted. These tactics were organization, close ties, support, lobbying, and ladylike behavior.
  • 19th Amendment

     19th Amendment
    Women stood outside the Whitehouse on a strike for hours and hours around the clock. Some were arrested but that did not stop them from striking. The government gave up and passed the 19th Amendment.