Las mujeres

Women's Rights in American Art

  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    The Seneca Falls Convention was held in Seneca Falls, NY in 1848. There, a declaration was formed to determine the "social, civil, and religious conditions" of women across the nation.

    The National American Woman Suffrage Association was founded in 1890 to support the legislation of women's suffrage. Susan B. Anthony was the president for many years and helped create state and local women's organizations.

    The National Association of Colored Women's Clubs was founded in 1896 in Washington D.C.
  • Modern Style

    Modern Style
    Women begin weaering more revealing styles in the 1900s. Gradually, women dared to show more skin and adopt menswear.
  • Alfred Henry Maurer - Jeanne

    Alfred Henry Maurer - Jeanne
    Alfred Henry Maurer creates his painting "Jeanne" this year. An iconic image in the changed perspective regarding feminism.
  • 19th Amendment ratified

    19th Amendment ratified
    Women gain the right to vote in the US. Women's right to vote became a stepping stone to greater equality in the nation.
  • ABCL

    Margaret Sanger founded the American Birth Control League in 1921 and promotes the term "birth control." The league's main goal was to provide birth control clinincs around the country, mainly for black and latino women. The League was the forerunner of Planned Parenthood.
  • ERA

    Alice Paul and Crystal Eastman wrote the Equal Rights Amendment and was finally introduced to Congress in 1923. The Amendment called for equal rights of women and no discrimination based on sex.
  • Hattie Caraway elected as senator

    Hattie Caraway elected as senator
    Hattie Caraway was the first woman to be elected to the US Senate. She represented Arkansas for 14 years.
  • Frida Kahlo creates self portrait

    Frida Kahlo creates self portrait
    Mexican painter Frida Kahlo created this painting, "Self-Portrait with Monkey," in 1938. She became an iconic artist through her depiction of indigenous tradition and a strong portrayal of women that negated the social idea of femininity.
  • Women in workforce

    Women in workforce
    With the beginning of WWII, women joined the workforce to replace all the men at war. After the war, the eventual return of the men caused women to take a stance to keep their jobs.
  • Gellert - Free Man's Duties I

    Gellert - Free Man's Duties I
    Hugo Gellert created this silkscreen print in 1943. His series of works, "Century of the Common Man: Free Man's Duties," were inspired by the working class of WWII. This image depicts a black woman worker of the time, something rarely seen in this era's art.
  • DOB

    The Daughters of Bilitis became the first organization for the rights of lesbian women. The group helped women who were afraid to come out and taught they about themsevles and gay history.
  • Roe v. Wade

    Roe v. Wade
    Roe v. Wade became a landmark descision by the Supreme Court for legalizing women's rights to having an abortion.