Pro choice

Women's Fight Towards Reproductive Rights

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    Free Love Movement

    In opposition to the Comstock Laws, this movement saught to separate the state from matters like marriage and birth control. One of the movement's main concerns was sexual oppression of women. The movement continued to aruge that the church nor the state had no concern in women's sexual relations.
  • Comstock Laws

    Comstock Laws
    Federal act passed by the US Congress declaring for the "Suppression of Trade in, and Circulation of, Obscene Literature and Articles of Immoral Use". As a result, the Post Service could not send these items or information about them: erotica, contraceptives, abortifacients, sex toys. This act proved to garner public support for the suppresion of women's reproducitve liberties.
  • The Woman Rebel

    The Woman Rebel
    The founder of the women's reproductive rights movement, Margaret Sanger wrote the Woman Rebel. In her work she called for women's reproductive rights. She supported contraception and advocated birth control techniques in this book.
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    Birth Control Movement

    Beginning in the early 20th century, the Birth Control Movement was a part of the campaign for women's reproductive rights. This movement sought to increase contraception allowance. In addition, the movement called for public awareness of birth control in media and schools.
  • Abortion Clinic

    Abortion Clinic
    Margaret Sanger, the founder of the women's reproductive rights movement established an abortion clinic in New York in 1916. Her main goal was to test the New York anti-contraception in law. As a result, many women were arrested from working at these clinics. However, the message for pro-choice carried to society.
  • Planned Parenthood Federation of America

    Planned Parenthood Federation of America
    The Planned Parenthood Federation of America was established to promote sexual and reproductive health. The federation derives from Margaret Sanger's reproductive views. Today, the PPFA serves over 3 million in varying situations.
  • New York v. Sanger

    New York v. Sanger
    As a result of her established abortion clinic, this Supreme Court case Sanger fought for womens reproductive rights. Sanger won this case allowing New York doctors to advise their married patients about birth control products. This advancement has allowed for the decrease in unplanned pregnancies.
  • Birth Control Pill

    Birth Control Pill
    In response to the Birth Control Movement, the Birth Control Pill was developed in 1960. They became the first approved contraceptive in the United States. As a result, millions of women have had easy access to birth control and allowed for fewer unplanned pregnancies.
  • Title X Family Planning Program

    Title X Family Planning Program
    President Nixon's Family Planning Program was part of the Public Health Service Act of 1970. This program provides funding for family planning and preventative health services. This program has been able help women avoid unplanned pregnancies mostly in low and middle areas.
  • Roe v. Wade

    Roe v. Wade
    A crucial turning point in the women's reproductive rights movment, this Supreme Court Case ruled that a women had a right to privacy and an abortion. This case resulted in new legislation across the country. As a result, two factions emerged from the decision: pro-life and pro-choice.
  • Planned Parenthood v. Casey

    Planned Parenthood v. Casey
    In this Supreme Court Case, the ruling uphled the constitutional right to an abortion. In this case, a Pennsylvania law required spousal approval before the abortion. The case regarded this condition to be unconstitutional.