woman's ritghts

By eolvera
  • Women Have LimitedProperty Rights

    The colonies adopt the English system of
    property ownership for married women,
    meaning women cannot own property in
    their own name or keep their own earnings.
    By 1900, every state will have passed legislation
    modeled after New York’s Married
    Women’s Property Act (1848), which
    grants married women the right to keep
    their own wages and to own property in
    their own name
  • first high school for girls open

  • racial equality splits group

    Disagreements over the 13th, 14th and 15th
    Amendments and the relationship between
    women’s suffrage and the movement for
    racial equality divide the women’s rights
    movement between two organizations: the
    National Woman Suffrage Association and
    the American Woman Suffrage Association.
    The rivals will merge in 1890 to form
    the National American Women’s Suffrage
  • equal par for equal work

    The National Labor Union, one of the
    nation’s first organized labor advocacy
    groups, pushes for equal pay for equal
    work, the concept that a woman must be
    paid the same as a man for doing the same
    or equivalent job with the same qualifications.
  • first woman to be dominated for president

    nominated by the Equal
    Rights Party, Victoria
    Chaflin Woodhull is the
    first woman to run for
    president of the United
    States. But neither she nor
    any other woman is allowed
    to vote.
  • Supreme Court Denies VotingRight to Women

    The Supreme Court decides in Minor v.
    Happersett that a Missouri law limiting the
    right to vote to male citizens is constitutional.
    The Court rejects the claim by Virginia
    Minor that the state law deprives her
    of one of the “privileges or immunities” of
    citizenship in violation of the 14th Amendment.
    While women are “persons” under
    the 14th Amendment, the Court says, they
    are a special category of “non-voting” citizens,
    and states may grant or deny them
    the right to vote.
  • Eleanor Roosevelt LeadsCommission on the Status of Women

    President John F. Kennedy establishes the President’s
    Commission on the Status of Women
    and appoints Eleanor Roosevelt as chairwoman.
    Although she dies in 1962, a report is issued
    in 1963 documenting substantial discrimination
    against women in the workplace. It makes
    recommendations for improvement, including
    fair hiring practices, paid maternity leave, and
    affordable child care
  • Equal Pay Act BecomesFederal Law

    First proposed 20 years earlier, the law
    says employers must give equal pay for
    men and women performing the same job
    duties regardless of the race, color, religion,
    national origin or sex of the worker.
  • Women-Only Branches inU.S. Military Eliminated

    The male-only draft during the Vietnam
    War ends, and women are integrated into
    all branches of the U.S. military as they
    become all-volunteer forces. In 1976,
    U.S. military academies will be required
    to admit women. Over the years, military
    policy that prevented women from combat
    assignments will ease. In the Afghanistan
    and Iraq wars, women will
    become more fully involved
    on the battlefield.