Who's who and What's what

By Rycari
  • Dixiecrats

    The Dixiecrats were a political party for civil rights. They opposed racial segregation and civil rights reforms. They stood in the way of the growing movement for racial justice. The Dixiecrat's platform and agenda were clearly in opposition to the civil rights movement. Their actions weren't really disobedience or self-defense but it is leaning more towards disobedience.
  • National Association for the Advancement of colored people

    National Association for the Advancement of colored people
    The NAACP was a group of colored individuals with the common goal to end segregation and discrimination in all areas of life in America. This included things like voting, education, or even stepping out of your home without being attacked verbally or physically. One of the most noticeable events for the group was the involvement in the Brown v. Board of Education supreme court case. It was considered an act of disobedience back then but they wanted to achieve their goals legally which was true.
  • Brown v. Board of Education supreme court case

    Brown v. Board of Education supreme court case
    The Brown v. Board case was historical as the case challenged the constitutionality of racial segregation in public schools. This battle brought down segregation in schools and allowed people of color to attend any school. This can be seen as more self-defense than disobedience because they are protesting and protecting their right to be treated as equal in the school system.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    This event was a catalyst for the civil rights movement when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat after being told to move by an officer and she still refused which then she was arrested. This led to the 13-month Bus Boycott protest that inspired others and also led to the desegregation of the Bus system. This was more of an act of disobedience rather than self-defense and was looked at by others as defiance or resistance.
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference

    Southern Christian Leadership Conference
    This group was made up of black Christians including the famous MLK. This group was organized to coordinate and support nonviolent direct action campaigns aimed at ending racial segregation. This group helped organize the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955-1956. Since the group was all about nonviolence it was more seen as self-defense.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    The brave group of nine was a part of the big achievements the Brown v. Board case accomplished. This group of black teens was important because they showed perseverance every day walking to school as communities gathered to discriminate against them from attending school. This led to the government intervening and supporting them. This can be seen as and act of government disobedience and self-defense.
  • Fannie Lou Hamer

    Fannie Lou Hamer
    This event was about a civil rights activist that was a part of the MFDP which was formed to challenge the democratic whites and defend African Americans to be given equal representation. She helped build passage to the voting rights act of 1965. Her history is looked at as disobedience for she challenged the legal ways of the government for quite some time.
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    A big part of history and also a big part of legislation was the voting rights act of 1970. This act had been enacted in response to widespread discrimination. Before this, there had been literacy tests for colored people and other barriers that would prevent them from voting. The important thing about this is that the act helped dismantle the systemic exclusions of black Americans from political participation. It doesn't particularly show but this can be looked at as self-defense.
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Act

    Equal Employment Opportunity Act
    This enforced civil laws for equal everything in terms of the workplace. It provided individuals with resources to obtain justice. It plays a big role in the workplace Their job was supposed to uplift the law and help protect African Americans. Their agenda seemed more self-defenced so it seems to match up with my explanation.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1966

    Civil Rights Act of 1966
    Passed by congress this act was for the advancement of civil rights by providing additional protection for other minority groups. It prohibited discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion, or origin. It helped create the EEOC and expand protections against discrimination. This doesn't really show either disobedience or self-defense, but I would say it falls in the ball park of self-defence.
  • Black Panther Party

    Black Panther Party
    The black panther party was an organization with the goal to protect African American neighborhoods from police brutality and racism. Created in Oakland, these people were armed and were famous for their militancy and advocacy. The black panther party wanted to overthrow capitalism and imperialism which they thought was the source of oppression. This was definitely disobedience since they fought the government with the government in different ways a lot.
  • Huey Newton

    Huey Newton
    Huey was a big activist and co-founder of the Black Panther party. A significant part of his life was when he was arrested and subsequent trial in 1967 for killing a police officer named John Frey. It is not certain but they say its a cause of police harassment on the BPP's. His actions though were an act of disobedience.
  • Stokely Carmichael

    Stokely Carmichael
    A man best known for his personal investments of time with the freedom struggle. His leadership in the SNCC and advocacy for black nationalism was very popular. He popularized the slogan " Black Power" which inspired others to move away from the nonviolent approach of civil rights movements and to more aggressive ways. His acts were seen as disobedience and he was in rivalry with the government heavily.
  • John Lewis

    John Lewis
    John Lewis was a leader and an activist in the 1960s. He was also famous for participating in the march from Selma Montogomery in 1965. It was a peaceful protest to demand equal voting rights for African Americans in Alabama. He was also a part of the Bloody Sunday march which state troopers used tear gas and beat people who marched. His participation in many civic events was great for the cause but it was still an act of disobedience.
  • The Stonewall Riots

    The Stonewall Riots
    This was a series of spontaneous and violent protests that happened in NYC. At the time being homosexual was against the law in NYC. Police usually beat the people inside the bar and raid them but they had enough and decided to fight back. This continued for several days and marked another civil rights movement in the United States. This was an act of disobedience but it has a little self-defense in it too.