
Westward Expansion Timeline

  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    One of the largest land purchases in American history.
  • Lewis & Clark Expidition

    Lewis & Clark Expidition
    A trip made by Lewis and Clark to explore the new lands they had recently bought from Napolean.
  • First Seminole War

    First Seminole War
    American Soldiers raided Seminole villages as a result of the refusal to move by the Seminoles.
  • 1820 Land Act

    1820 Land Act
    An act that made it so public domain lands could not be bought and resulted in lower land prices for land in the West.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    A canal that made it so people and supplies could be carried directly inland by bout quicker than by land.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    A policy that made it so any colonization by any foreign country would make be seen as an act of agression.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    The Act signed by congress that allowed any Native Americans to be removed at any time.
  • Texas Rebellion

    Texas Rebellion
    A rebellion that resulted in the independance of Texas.
  • Treaty of New Echota

    Treaty of New Echota
    Treaty that gave the Cherokee 5.6mil and transportation west for all of thier land.
  • Second Seminole War

    Second Seminole War
    A result of the Indian Removal Act because they refused to move to the Mississppi.
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    Mexicans opened fire upon American Soldiers when the met during a border patrol.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    Gold was found at Sutter's Mill California, which caused people to flood to California.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    A treaty which gave the following states to the United States, Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    A compromise in which a states were equally admitted as slave and free states to avoid conflict of North and South.
  • California Declared a State

    California Declared a State
    Due to the spike in population from the gold rush California is almost instantly declared a state.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    The U.S paid mexico 10 million for a portion of mexico that is known today as arizona.
  • First Telegraph Line Finished

    First Telegraph Line Finished
    The first transcontinental telegraph line is completed.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    An act passed to open more lands in the west for settlement.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Transcontinental Railroad
    A railroad created in 1869 that went all the way across the country from coast to coast.
  • Battle of Little Big Horn

    Battle of Little Big Horn
    The U.S 7th Cavalry Regiment was severely defeated in battle against Native Americans with a total number of casualties including scouts was 268 dead and 55 injured.