Westward Expansion Events

By Yeeesh
  • Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears was the forced removal of Indian tribes from their land. Many people died on the journey.
  • California Gold Rush

    The california Gold Rush began when gold was found at Sutton's Mill, sparking a mass exodus to California to strike it rich.
  • Homestead Act of 1862

    The Homestead Act sparked the push to settle the west and explore the uncharted frontier.
  • Invention of Barbed Wire

    The invention of barbed wire forever changed the way cowboys had to transport cattle to market.
  • Transcontinental Railroad Built

    Transcontinental Railroad Built
    The transcontinental Railroad made transportation across the continent easy and made the train a stple in the daily lives of Americans living on the frontier.
  • Battle of Little BigHorn

    The Battle of Little Bighorn was a massive victory for three indin tribes, who annihlated General Custer and his company, making it a large victory for them, but also brought into debate stronger tactics concerning Indians.
  • Dawes Act of 1887

    The Dawes Act of 1887 abilished tribal legislature and authority, and made it so each Indian family gained their own personal land, while the tribe leaders could no longer lead.
  • The Massacre at Wounded Knee

    The Massacre at wounded Knee was between The Lakota and the US calvary, when the soldiers tried to disarm the Lakota, and a shot was fired, and then the soldiers indiscriminetely killed all of the Lakota camped there, men, women, and children.
  • Arizona is admitted to the Union

    Arizona becomes the last state on the continent to be admitted to the Union, makin it the last territy to be present during this time of colonization.