Westward expansion

  • XYZ Affair-

    confrontation between the United States and Republican France
  • Louisiana Purchase

    It was a deal between france and the english, which resulted in the doubling of the U.S.
  • Adams-Onis Treaty

    treaty between the United States and Spain that made Florida part of America
  • Missouri Compromise

    effort by Congress to defuse the sectional and political rivalries
  • Monroe Doctrine

    U.S. foreign policy regarding domination of the American continent
  • Indian Removal Act/Trail of Tears-

    caused the natives to proceed onward to a camp in which they were moved because of the land thye had been forced to give up by the indian removal act
  • Texas Claims Independence-

    it is when they wanted to become free from mexico, so the claimed independence
  • The Battle of the Alamo-

    Pivotal point in texas revolution
  • Trail of Tears-

    The natives were forced to give up their land east of the mississippi
  • Mexican-American War-

    war between the U.S. and Mexico
  • Agreement of 49th Parallel-

    primary international boundary in the Pacific Northwest
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo-

    Treaty of peace between the americans and the Mexicans
  • California becomes a state-

    When California was inaugerated as an official state
  • Gadsden Purchase-

    purchased by the United States in a treaty
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska
  • Texas annexed to U.S.-

    Greatest territorial expansion of U.S.
  • Cotton Gin invented-

    it was an easier way for slaves to produce cotton