
Westward Expansion

  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was when Thomas Jefferson bought 18,000 sq. miles of western land for 15 million dollars. This included Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, Oklahoma, parts of Louisiana, Minnesota, North Dakota, Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, and Montana.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    The Erie Canal made shipping goods from Europe, and also New York more accesible to get to states bordering the Great Lakes.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    The indian Removal Act was when President Andrew Jackson took soldiers and had them remove all Indians on the eastern coasts.He had them killed or told them to move west of the Mississippi.
  • Texas Gaining Independance

    Texas Gaining Independance
    The Texas Revoulution after Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna abolished the constitution of 1824. The Texas Colonists were mad and revolted against the centralists.
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    The Oregon Trail

    A time when many settlers took a trail to Oregon in search of new oppertunities. Manny people traveled this route for the oppurtunitty. Manny people died and 1 of ten didint survive.
  • The Alamo

    The Alamo
    The Batlle of the Alamo was when the Texans and Tejanos had to defend a small missionarieagainst the Mexican army for 13 days. It was an intense and gory battle. Every Texan fighter died
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    Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears was apart of Jackson's Indian Removal Act. The Cherokkee indians were captured and forced to move west. 4,000 out of 15,000 died. The conditions were harsh and many got sick and injured.
  • texas getting annexed into the U.S.

    texas getting annexed into the U.S.
    The U.S. didn't want to have Texas as a state at first because they feared a war with Mexico. Finally they added Texas
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    The Mormon Trail

    More than 7,000 Mormon's traveled west to escape religious misanthropists. They traveled from Nauvoo Illinois, to Salt Lake City Utah.
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    U.S. Mexican War

    Mexico was mad at the U.S. because they annexed Texas. There were three Fronts and the U.S. won.
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    California Gold rush

    After the discover of gold in California, many people headed west in hope of stricking rich.
  • Mexican cession

    Mexican cession
    This refers to the land given to the u.s. at the end of the u.s. mexican War
  • California Becoming a State

    California Becoming a State
    There was much debate on wheather California shoiuld be a state or not.
  • Gadsden purchase

    Gadsden purchase
    The u.s. bought land from mexico the end the us mexican war.