
Western Settlement

By as18413
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    An act that stated that people settling in the west could appy to get land to live on.
  • Farmer Reform

    Farmer Reform
    Farmers were having a difficult time adapting to the change that was happening in the US during the 19th century. They had little money and the droughts left them cropless, so they tried to reform the way that things once were.
  • Little Big Horn

    Little Big Horn
    Natives attack and kill General Cluster, who was a key person in keeping the Indians at bay.
  • A Century of Dishonor

    A Century of Dishonor
    Helen Hunt Jackson publishes the novel 'A Century of Dishonor', a book that talks about the nurmerous injustices that white settlers have brought upon the natives.
  • Baring Crisis

    Baring Crisis
    A recession that took place in 1890. One fifths of Americans lost their jobs, stock was down and gold was few and far between. Though not as severe a recession as the ones that would follow in later years it was the largest debt crisis of that century.
  • Wounded Knee Massacare

    Wounded Knee Massacare
    James Forsyth rounded up three hundred and fifty Indians and demanded their weapons. A single shot was fired and the rest of his men in a startled reaction also fired, killing an estimated three hundred Indians. Thirty nine troops were mortally wonuded, six of which died because of their wounds. It is also said that at least twenty of the troops that participated were given the Medal of Honor.