Wanye Thiebaud

  • 19th Amendment

    The 19th Amendment is ratified, allowing women the right to vote.
  • Mickey Mouse on page

    The first Mickey Mouse comic strip was published in the New York Mirror.
  • Metting

    Americas Town metting of the air was brodcasted and was one of the most important public service projects that NBC has ever done and sucedded with.
  • Cards of Credit

    The first modern credit card was introduced which would change the finacial lives of many Americans.
  • New president

    John F. Kennedy is elected as the presidnet of the United States.
  • Riots

    Five members of the Chicago 7 are convicted of crossing state lines to incite riots during the 1968 Democratic Presidential Convention in Chicago.
  • CNN creation

    Media tycoon Ted Turner announced the creation of CNN.
  • Reuniting

    Germany was reunited as a whole after 45 years.
  • First lady now up again

    Hillary Clinton won a seat for the United States Senate from New York. It was the first time a former first lady won a public office job.
  • Earthquakes

    Haiti was struck by a magnitude 7 earthquake 222,000 deaths were accounted for