Volleyball History Key Events

By lolpeu
  • First "match" and a NET between two trees

    First "match" and a NET between two trees
  • Morgan was influenced by his teacher James Naismith and wanted to create a game that was less vigorous than basketball for the older members of the YMCA

    Morgan was influenced by his teacher James Naismith and wanted to create a game that was less vigorous than basketball for the older members of the YMCA
    When he learns that the game of Basketball and Volleyball were originated at Springfield College, he begins to understand some of the rich traditions with which the College is endowed
  • Let's make some CHANGES to adapt the game to the target; old businessmen

    "In search of an appropriate game, equipment was eliminated but the idea of a net seemed a good one. We raised the height of about 1.98 metres from the ground, just above the head of an average man. We needed a ball and among those we tried was a basketball bladder, but this was too light and too slow. We, therefore, tried the basketball itself, which was too big and too heavy."
  • The Birth of The Game

    The Birth of The Game
    William G. Morgan has gone down in history as the inventor of the game of Volleyball.
  • 1897,The Athletic Leaugue of YMCA of North America published the first official rules for volleyball

    1897,The Athletic Leaugue of YMCA of North America published the first official rules for volleyball
  • Volleyball on the Rise - SPORT QUICKLY BECAME POPULAR

    Volleyball on the Rise - SPORT QUICKLY BECAME POPULAR
  • NEW TECHNIQUES- Spiking & Philippines

    NEW TECHNIQUES- Spiking & Philippines

    Japan, Russia and the USA created national associations

  • USA & WW2

    USA & WW2
  • Français is what changed the game with FIVB!

    Français is what changed the game with FIVB!
    The FIVB is the governing body responsible for all forms of Volleyball on a global level.