The constitution


  • Period: to

    Veronica,s Amazing Timeline

  • William Pitt becomes Prime Minister

    William Pitt becomes Prime Minister
    Pitt became prime minister because King George III did not want to let Charles Fox win another political battle. In December 1783, King George dissmissed the alliance he had been forced to make with Charles Fox and Lord North (who had been an ally). Pitt was asked to form a government and became the youngest prime minister at age 24.
  • The Connecticut Compromise

    The Connecticut Compromise
    The delegates had to solve the problem of how many representives each state should get. It took place at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Tennessee becomes a state

    Tennessee becomes a state
    The reason for Tennessee becoming a state is that people wanted and needed more land. The government approved of the state, and John Sevier became governor of Tennessee.
  • Ohio becomes a state

    Ohio becomes a state
    Ohio became a state because people, especially people in the Northwest Territory, needed the Ohio River for traveling. People built towns on the Ohio River and eventually more than 45,000 people lived in Ohio. In 1803 it was officially the 16th state.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    Thomas Jefferson feared that France stop settlers from moving west by building their own settlements. On April 30th, 1803, Jefferson paid Napoleon $5 million for all of Louisiana--more than 800,000 square miles!
  • The Corps of Discovery

    The Corps of Discovery
    The Corps of Discovery were created because the President wanted and needed more information about the land included in the Louisiana Purchase. The people involved were: Lewis, Clark, Sacagawea, Sacagawea's husband, and about 10 other people. The COD traveled on the Mississippi River and gathered plants and animals to take back with them; they also drew maps. In October they stopped in North Dakota for the winter and hired Sacagawea and her husband to guide them through Shoshone.
  • Pike in the Southwest

    Pike in the Southwest
    Captain Pike and his men traveled to the Southwest to explore the southwest part of the Louisiana Purchase. Captain Pike and his men were captured by the Spanish, who thought they were spies, but later released. Pike told the American traders that the Spanish needed manufactured goods. Traders traveled southwest to sell goods to Spanish settlers.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    This battle was fought so that Americans could keep control of American land and keep Britain gaining the land. Captain Oliver Hazard Perry won thhe Battle of Lake Erie and the U.S. won many other important naval battles.
  • British attack on Washington, D.C.

    British attack on Washington, D.C.
    The attack happened because the British wanted control over Americans and destroy the things that made them who they were. Plus, the British were very angry! First Lady Dolley Madison saved many important government papers and documents as she escaped. However, the British finished burning the White House and the Capital that very evening.
  • The Indian Removal Act

    The Indian Removal Act
    This act happened because more people settled in the Cherokee area when gold was discovered there, and there was no room for the Indians. President Andrew Jackson signed a law called the Indian Removal Act. It stated that the Indians had to move to Indian Territory, which was just west of the Mississippi River.