
By izziet
  • The Powhatan Leader

    The Powhatan Leader
    Wahunsunacock unites 32 Powhatan groups.
  • First Permanent English Colony

    First Permanent English Colony
    The first permanent English colony in North America is founded in Jamestown.
  • Slavery

    The first African Americans are brought to Virginia.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    Virginian Thomas Jefferson serves as the lead writer of the Declaration of Independence.
  • Revolution Ends

    Revolution Ends
    The American Revolution Ends at the Battle of Yorktown.
  • A Place in the US

    A Place in the US
    Virginia becomes the 10th state in the United States.
  • An Uprising

    An Uprising
    Nat Turner leads a slave uprising.
  • Some Fairness

    Some Fairness
    The US Surpreme Court rules that segregation on interstate buses is illegal, based on the case of Virginian Irene Morgan.
  • A Crash in the Pentagon

    A Crash in the Pentagon
    Terrorists crash a plane into the Pentagon, killing 125 people.
  • 400th Anniversary

    400th Anniversary
    Virginia celebrates the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown.