Imgres 4

U.S Mexian War

  • Mexico Indepedence

    Mexico Indepedence
    Mexico womn it's independence agaist Spain
  • Texas

    Texas broke off from Mexico and declared itself the "Lone Star Republic"
  • U.S Congress acceped texas

    U.S Congress acceped texas
    Congress accepted Texas into the union after they won their independence from Mexico
  • War Started

    War Started
    Orders came from D.C telling General Taylor to take postitions on the banks near rio grande which started the war.
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    Was elected and it was difficult because he was not for the war like Polk was. He spoke in the house and talked in front of everybody and said that the war was unnessacery
  • Arrived

    When they arrived on the banks of Rio Grande which was where General Taylor and his troops were ordered to go to
  • 1st Military Inccident

    Colinal Cross dissapeard while riding around Rio Grande, his body was found 11 days later and his skull was smashed by a heavy blow . It was assumed that he was killed by the mexicans
  • Rallies

    There were demonstrations and rallies for the war in New York, Baltimore, Indianapolis, Philidelphia, and in a ton of different places. When that was happining thousands of people volunteered for the army.
  • Forcing

    Mexicans forced the Americans to surrender from conquering L.A